Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

28 Stockton Calif.) Record Saturday; Sept. 25, 1 954' USED CARS 4 i ttEAfr" TRANSPORTATION 0940 BIG SALE DE SOTO. 50. 621 N. Yosemlte, 954 BUICK- RoadmuterT 6000 edge.

17 heT'U stake hav" CAE. Cab JlASSlS il a 6 1 "'S 48 l)odn 2-toa mriMOir Tractor .81050.00 FARMERS" CO eve! FEED- eond. 1430 EL Oak. WfcbgEVVgSB gas' Iran 5e. 810; kitchen ropiest table.

3 chairs. 812: cotton mattress. 6, Violin, eom-plate. 83ft HO 34)648 alter 5. ITS HERE; NATIONAL1 by Pan 'American a BEDROOhM.


Wilson Way Ph. HO 2-8228 Open Sunday and Evenings --TRAILER SUPPLIES THE BARGAIN LOT Large selection of reliable, good transportation can at prices you can afford. EXAMPLES EXAMPLES EXAMPLES 1 enf Trucks. 14441X yards. ACME AUTO TRUCK PARTS 11016 S.

Wilson Way. Ph. HO 8-7031 I FOR SALE or trade Chev. 19-wheel. with combination beet and grain bed.

HO 9Q171. after 6 p. m. CHEVROLET flat bed Which Form of Advertising Gives You the Fastest Answers? Tha Classified AdvertUIrf pa the RECORD yo Oie fiurtert answers to your yngimm whether It bo to one mU qvertjgement to buy. sell.

hire. rrii t.f lndor wop or to i aeries of ndyertiso-nrato tor a business or proteaalon. people who reed RECORD Went ADS ere reedy to buy. They search out your advertisem*nt and shop your copy because they ere In the market tor on Item or service. To ret teat answers.

read and uae RECORD Want ADS. Theee people did and read what they have to say: Chryaler Sedan. A-l, only Plymouth Sedan, excellent motor, only excellent motor, oniy j08 (LAYING hens for sale. $1. SeU thing.

Inquire at Lawrence Store, MacArthur near Carbone. Man-get Card ota. Phone Tracy 19-Rrl PETS AND SUPPLIES 65 Beagle puppies, tn. jjo A 1181 pial, Siamese kittens'. T3T Nursery.

Phone Lodi 9-2711. LONG'S PET CENTER at LINCOLN VILLAGE anting and Grooming Pet Suppi STOCKTONS FINEST KENNEL Paciric Ave. Ph. CR 7-1637 3XER pups, not re; male 610. HO 55830.

pupa. AKC reg. Champion background. $35. 3101 W.

Alpine; eves. PUREBRED red Fenian klttena. 1851 W. Rose. HO 2-6367.

Boardln In 1 6633 2 yrs. old. Cal. SIAMESE KITTENS. TO give away, A little black puppy.

HO 2-4178 before 10 a. m. FfiMxLfe English bull pup. 4 wka. tSd.

call HO S5S06. 1 GERMAN shepherd pupa. Reasonable. tStl UMOj GR 7-1640. ER.

SAUNSjfWll(jSPT Anlmkto treated jndboarded. 336 E. Lafayette. Ph. HO 4-452L Ph.

HW 573gl I 1 8 aV-I. in, ffinr a TY IlSUli i6 WE buy clean cats San loaquln Mtra 1 Charter Way at American. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES filRL'S JrThlcycle. Sacrifice," JlT-Sd w. stadiuni.Apt.

3. I m0t0r COOr 848 rim. Edison GIRLS bicycle. clean condition, good tire, $18. Good sturdy 20-inch trike, only 85.

HO 4-2039. scooter, good cond! HO 3-2587. GIRL'S 26-in. Schwinn made bicycle. Hkenew.

$35 2419 W. Acacia. HO AUCTIONS 48 Auction Every Tuesday at the HIc! Grove Cow Palace AUCTION MODESTO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION I COMPANY. 1 mile south of Modesto I on Old 99 Highway. I MONDAY SEPT A.


Modesto LIVESTOCK GRAIN fed steers pjj w) maiK TP PrtC Pw- Pn-. HO 5-3roa ITV WEANER PIGS. 13 each. HO S0l9, srm Cherokee Lane. car in iraoe.

rn. nsnieca oi. i JERSEY "family cow. "Ph. R6 EvtoX HO S6N5.

HEli'EM. Lathrop. i RABBITS Calif, breeding stock, does, tack, babies. HO 3-7069 after 5. I FRESH famllymllkrow and calilSB sharps LeneT WEAKER pigs for sale, ilA ani'TiB Ph.

fin 3-2533. 1 PlR I 1 I. 1 I I I 1 1 60 1 FRESH HORSE MEAT (Testy baked meat Kennel tested dog meals and kibbled foods. Trend leather i SHOP. 30 E.

KppiSMPET roS5 1 VOLKMAN-S Bird Seeds PURINA Don CHOW i 1 Mynah birds. Parrots, Love birds. Reg. I and rare Parakeets, furtles. Tropical akmujqi issi 1302 E.

Miner I RfiklNEsE puppies. 8 Vriw V30 rnrr ni-i FREE PUPS Ulnt ikiic CHIPMUNKS "M64l' Rg- Phone Loot a-iasi, REGISTERS) champion kUtisAiDBUD klil(Bs FRESH HORSE MEAT-i-b. and WUrtCflMi rta Hamsters. SCOTTY'S PET FOOD MARKET 6 Dial HOSfi BOATS MatortSarvi09 ST i r-PC dining set, mlsc. HO 2490-RUG 12x10.

gray, price 182. Now 90. 11.5x15 beige cotton, used. Formwly 119.50. Now 860.

KAE CARPET, 4419 Faelfle Open Mon, thru Thun, eve. APEX automatic, repossessed. 18 mo, old: take over contract, only 5 payments remaining, $19.24 month. WILSON COFFEY L- Collie about 3 yr. old.

Ph. HO 56417. 2309 N. Calif. HO 4-4332.

HO 8-2067 PUftfeBftEb co*cker apanlel pupplT oc fine ngbSlf.T AlteSrk, JTO330 after 6 p. m. M. COTTen OOnS BARGAIN SHOP SKIM milk for hogs and livestock, w.v WANTED to buy manure to haul. trig amounts preferred.

Ph. Linden 44-F-6 or ll-F-13. UUO vf Louise Manteca. HOLSTEIN 35 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, MOSTLY 7-PC. dining set, good $40.

Also TT 48 1 AUCTIONS Closing Out Auction Oakdale ValleV Home Near Waaia Otvonw nomo BART FERREN Prom Oakdale. 4 miles north on Vsfiey me Road clEScfe YSMSS AND I SIGN. FRIDAY. OCT. 1st tiatMf avrdft iHf 12:30 P.

M. LUNCH AVAILABLE 35 Top Quality Holsteins 4 Extra Choice Guernseys 20 EXCELLENT DAIRY COWS JU P(l fir" 1 VAAXVA wno I Three fresh In peat few weeks; three I close-up aprlngen: balance in vari-1 mh hi-wtlr- rim I VMM periods. Registered slree from the George Sawyer herd have been used for many yean, adding size and production. THE CATTLE ARE GOOD DAIRY OM4DITION AND WARRANT YOUR INSPECTION. Cowe ara in calf by the Golden West Artificial Breeders.

Correct breeding dates are avBllabto.HoLgTiEiN big MtorsleIovem-1 her; two bred, to freshen in May: bSwtemartt I r.i. Juinl1 Ktottollil four are yearlings: balanca 4 nU 'Equipment montna ox aee. I EQUIPMENT 4-unlt Surge vmSniga ete jacks: post-hole digger: bolt Screw "jackaT poat-hole digger: bolt I cutter: motor and saw: 2000. hollow tile: 240-foot tarp; 14-foot boat Kimball 1 Please see this herd before we WlU Uk WlMt flnd Bt BART S. OjiuBER I Haglund Sequeira AUCTIONEERS 1 wmm 7-1053 or 3-1322, Modesto, Rt.

7, Box 1459. 328 Las Palmas. "THE FINEST IN AUCTION SERVICE' COMPLETE CLOSING OUT i Holstein Dairy Auction for Tony Cabral Son NEAR STOCKTON Tl IFHAY WEDNESDAY IUC3UAI WCUINCOlni a sa a sa 12 Ml. North of Stockton on the Stock-ton-Thornton Hwy. 7 miles due wert of Lodi at the end of Turner Road.

Trom Modesto and Stockton, go north on 99 Hwy. to Lodi, turn left or west aaa a. Ml on nwj, to uni. vura on Hay. 12 to Stockton Thornton Highway, then right to ranch.

Oct. 12-13 Two Big. Da 9:30 EACH DAY LUNCH AV'AILALE ractore-Machlnery and Ibte. Will be Sold Flrat Day. of Cows and Heifers 2nd Day.

500 HEAD ALL HIGHLY-BRED REAL QUALITY HOLSTEINS HOLSTEIN PUREBRED BULLS 293 LARGE YOUNG HEAVY MILKING toiTpY COWS 1 110 STRICTLY FRESH-78 BIG CLOSE SPRINGERS I Established clean grade A dairy held for the tost 10 years. A venr out-standing herd of Mg top L.A. type Holstelna. A careful breeding program bas been followed for a number of years through the use of purebred sires. All cows ored since January 1st have been bred to ABS Proved Sires through artificial Insemination, by Dr.

Ormsby's Proved Sire Service or Stockton. 210 Very Choice Heifers 30 Big Springers coming In like cow. 87 15 to 20 months oft, open, ready to breed. Balance calves to yearlings. Dairy Equipment 915-GaL Valeo Milk Tank, almost new.

latest style and type stainless steel Inside and out. Two 244 Yorke Ice map chines, 4-ft. Triple Milk Cooler, dump tank and pump, butane heater, wash stalk, eterluring taw. 5unlt magnetic De Laval Milking Machine with Targe pump and motor and pipe to 130 cows. 500-gal, butane tank and regulator.

r'. 1 targe SUrKai. ouunc um sou 1 1 I Trade equity for older car. tecs 76i: ml.1 Ph. Man- 1951 FORD 8 Convertible Clb.

Cpe. New top, excellent leather upholstery. I Has radio, heater, white sidewall tires. Our low price. Only $1065 TED'S USED CARS 720 E.

Miner Ave. Open All Day Sunday CHAMPION 1950 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR XelnlhbdlSt overdrive. A real buy at only buy $595 40 OTHER CARS TO i CTOOSE FROM BROUWER MOTOR CO. 830 N. El Dorado St.

Ph. HO 53655 OPEN SUNDAY 1952 HUDSON WASP one owner low mileage car In A-l condition throughout. Has radio, heater, hydramatic. White side wall tire and many more extras. Fully guaranteed.


SEDAN, with overdrive and heater. Terrific value $795 OLDSMOBILE. 1949 98 ROCKET 4-DOOR SEDAN. Hydramatic, radio and heater. Sharp! $795 FORD.

1946 2-DOOR SEDAN. New Ralnt and upholstery. Radio and eater. New tires. Good motor.

Here is a real buy $275 STUDEBAKER. 1952 CHAMPION REGAL 5-PASS COUPE. Over- drive, radio. Solex glass. New whitewall tires.

See this for sure $1095 STUDEBAKER. 1952 COMMANDER VS 2-DOOR SEDAN. Excellent condition. Overdrive and heater. $1195 AND A GREAT MANY OTHERS Hodgins Motors STUDEBAKER a PACKARD DEALER I 720 N.

El Dorado OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THRU, FRIDAY PHONE HO 4-7681 1949 CHEVROLET Tudor De Luxe A very clean car throughout, original sparkling finish. Has radio, heater, nylon seat covers, perfect mechanical performance. Our low price. Only $729 TED'S USED CARS 720 E. Miner Ave.

Open All Day Sunday CRAZY MEN? Not us. If you're looking for a wildeyed deal with fringe around It, don't waste your time on us. All we can offer you are solid used cars, reconditioned to the best of our ability and sold on reasonable bank terms or cash. We have been In business In Stockton for forty years and have built a reputation you can trust. See us before you buy.

'52 Cadillac Sedan Beautiful light green with premium white wall tires. Power steeping. power windows, etc. Here la a reasonably priced car for the man who wants nothing but the best. '53 Chevrolet Bel-Air $1995 How about an Immaculate low ml I tape hardtop? You won find a cleaner one anywhere.

'51 Mercury Clb. Cp. $1295 Drive this one and you'll agree lt'a just about the smoothest Merc In the state. Merc-o-matic, radio and heater. '52 Rambler Hardtop $1245 Here to economy and ease of handling In a spacious but com pact automobile.

Need a second 'SI Nash Ambassador $1095 Here Is a fine family sedan. All the performance you 11 ever need, and real economy, too. car? '52 Willys 6 Clb. Cpe. $1245, Economical comfort, easy riding.

1 excellent performance. I I '5 1 Buick Su. Clb. Cp. 1 395 Want an extra clean car? On that your wife will be proud to I drive? Hu dynaflow, radio and heater.

THESE AND MANY MORE AT THESE AND MANY MORE AT 11940 1 1939 11939 1 1940 1 1939 1 1941 I 1KW 1941 1940 mi 1946 1946 1946 1949 I An i I i i 48 I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ABC wringer washer, venr good $30. 2312 E. Ph. HO 54811 after 5 p. m.

SaVA WARgHWSH FURN. SALES. .331 N. American. Open Thursday until 9 P.

m. CHtSTEftFIELDS cleaned, oe-motm or dyed by expert. 4-day service. JO years' experience. Phone Valley Mattress Co.

excl. eond. HO 59497. Mattress Co. USED appliances.

-mSSSr Eve, and week ends Ph. HO 4-6429. UYCto im wcuit chub ROOMS of g3.25 gr traiE Pikes Furniture. 118 N. Calltornla.

CASH at your door for refrigerators, washers, stoves, deep freeses and television sets. i WILSON COFFEY 1 2309 N. Calif. HO 4-4332, HO M067 7ACUI3M' cleaner pa.rta or all makraT Largest stock in valley. 36 yra rapair exper.

on all eptollances. BOSS APPLI- ANCES, 1305 Buena Vlata. cor. Lucerne. HO 55973.

M. W. washer, very good 49.50, or $5 per mo. WILSON COFFEY HO 4-4332. HO S-206T r-aur no 3 Used RanCtCS with trash burner, from $35.

AU In jwgd or brtter condition. See It NOW! CENTRAL LUMBER CO. E. Channel at Union Dial HO 6-6795 GAS HEATER. 630.

$20; new TV antenna. $45: 6x9' ruf.10 wh; wheel barrow, $3.50: Hignllne belt, chain, 3.50. each: encyclopedia set. $8.50: portable bar, 15; odds and ends. 17 W.

Sonoma. HO 3-0225. 1VALL ReD. MhyWltoof-I1 31, yiiiiB uvuvro vuu wsvm good 25. Evw.

HO 5-4235. WASHERS, all make, wringer and automatics, $140 up, $4 per mo. Big trade ini. WILSON COFFEY 2309 N. Calif.

HO 4-4332. HO 8-2067 NEARLY new nova. extrairfli oven. 60. 1127 N.

Sutter. In rear. THAYER buggy, ilka new. 15; hunk bed frames. 5.

HO 4-6519. AZ; MeglcChef thermostat. Ilka 9 HgaV heatwsT HO I and drasaer .25.00 Hot point dlswasher and garbage I Buy It all now for UNIVERSAL electric range. Uka now. jnivcinoiuj eiecinc nope, ui 4-plate.

double oven, 61501 4-pc. blond bdrm. set. mattress and springs. $50.

HO 52840. Mahogany iwb. tv swivel 110: Storkline TMn. TV top, $15; TV booater 10, owr. htghchalr.

8. 3433 W. Harding. I BABY buggy, play pen and stroller, 613 for alL HQ 1 1 wnm et. mahogany iinlwr IGsm4nj5 StSt5 vT.

Rose. Ph. HO 2-PC. sectional firing rm. new, 79.88.

terms. Pike's. 118 N. California. RUGS CARPET CLEARANCE Last 'Chance for Exceptional Savings Example 15ft.

all-wool hl-iow Wilton. Was 11.75 aq. yd. 8.95 sq. yd.

15 fL cotton, cut pile and.loop. Was 7.95 sq. yd. -NOW 5 JO sq.yd. lt -wool vAnlister.

Wu q. yd 7.5 sq. yd. U7S aq. yd.

'k CaIiPCT 4419 PACxftra Open Mon. Thru Thura." Eves. TRICYCLES, Express Wagons, 3 lira ctmcta plaslc; Rocking Cnalr sets. Start Rockers, wood or Hones, Table and ir. uw uur ANDYS FL 644 E.

Market cor. of Stanislaus Phone HO 26834 4 chairs, Dinette set, I w. 548 Osk HEW E16K e-K Range :1: New C10K G-E Range 139.95 GOODYEAR VTR.ES N. El Dowdft Pli HO 4'04tt has 4 15: vacuum. 5.

lift DeOvan. vacuum fg. jav uv wn. KELVINATOlt refrigerator, about cu. SfSO.

Hideaway bed, VO. Mg cellaneous. 1611 8. Stockton. HO 56321 igww jaraasa top.

Grill, nutomatle own and clock. Excel, eond. $200. HO 3-3304. DRESSfefc Simmon sorln f.kl.

riialM Hr table, chalra etc. HO 66276? ENCYCLOPEDIA rai, like new, inner-spring mettreaa. Reu. HO 24848. 5-PC.

maple bedroom set with Simmon a Deepstoep mattress and springs. Used leu than 3 mo. Sacrifice, $150. HO 6-6307. TRENCH 3-pc.

lined Venetian blinds. Phone 9-9776. provincial oak cornices, French blue drapes. Hotel Lodi, Apt gJKt'iia: Her0 gentle, STEPHENS with buffet Must sell. HO 56356.

9a Affsp ttu hmtlnf nUDllC Of 1 has to offer the. boating publle of nA Wr HO 4-4521. 336 E. Lafayette. WAUfUT dining room table and chain.

excellent eond. 58 E. Harper. I Wills UUliCtw WU6k $VIi FWWV 1 ChevroletTudoAOK. only Pontiac, R.

and wily Plymouth Sedan, Very good, only $135 Bulck Sedan. A dean car .8105 Bulck Sedan. OK, only $135 1 .895 SIIWA 0BUBUI A ww Va a a 1 Bulck Sedan. OK, only $125 Packard, a swell car, only Studebaker. RAH.

exeeL Only $195 1 uin.b. jaw riniv Mas I De Soto Sedan. RAH. Only Bulck convertible, has radio and heatcr. only and heater, only Ford convertible, has radio, and heater, only Mercury.

Radio, heater, A ihtrp cap $7451 PAY AS LOW AS $5 WEEK EASY CREDIT Open for your convenience all day Sunday THE BARGAIN LOT 1300 E. Main 1951 CHEVROLET-Tudor De Luxe exceptional well kept car. Beautt-I ful tu-tone flnlgh. Radio, heater, nylon seat covers, like new tire, superb mechanical condition. Our low price.

Only $1065 TED'S USED CARS 720 E. Miner Ave. Open All Day Sunday AUTO-Sinflci-Sappllts 44-6 FOR SALE All new Sx3 516 stroker kit, 4-carburetor manifold, head, and 59 A.B. black. 229 N.

Ophlr. and tubes.witnio-nole Budd wheels, $30 each. 2445 N. Wllr son Way. venton dual intake manifold with earb.

tor 1952-'53 Ford 6. HQ 2-3871. after 6 and Sunday. ONE Edmunds manifold. 2 Edelbrock heads.

8-1. Will fit 1 Ford or Merc. Price $60 comp. A. R.

Pierce, 408 N. Filbert. MERC, engine. '42 Lincoln engine. headers tor 32 to 34 Ford, Ford fS4 wo Saaaoanla I 'M AJMW8M1I gllBIIKl hydraui lcTirakes.

"'41 FotdtraniH I ston with Lincoln gears and column yorwiic tuiu i Jon with Lincoln gear and column I shift, '34 Ford transmission. Lincoln radiator. tires and wheels. w.s.w. tires and wheels.

Also wrecking '42 Lincoln. 1011 S. Tuxedo. TRaRSS0SI5FS USED AND REBUILT Parts for All Makes of Cara WE SELL FOR LESS! BLOOMS AUTO PARTS 245 WoitOiMtet Wi HO 46055 OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to 4 TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 46 1 INTL 1949 -ton panel. Ilka new, on owner.

Asking 6400. HO 8-2776. 1950 F-7 Ford tractor. Brownlipe trans. a aaAuM BMihkAa alaaw 5speed "box.

900x20 iuhber" clean. Priced for quick sale. Contact Mr. Prlcola at Marino Bros. Trucking HO 26638.

a. White FOR SALE 1947 W. tractor, Weber 35-ft. flat eemi. ex-1 eellent tires.

Twk at Petrig Bros, yard. Banta. Contact Kenny Lester or phone Tracy 1859-MX. FCRb m-ton. fiat steel bed truck for sate, new motor, reconditioned transmission.

6 excellent extra hravy duty tires, dual speed rear axle. Full price 485. Will take good used pickup as part payment. Call Jackson 253, after 6 p. m.

INT. new for sals or trade. U-DRIVE TRUCKS $8 Per Day I 1408 N. California Ph HO 4-1670 Sutter and Washington Ph. HO 3-4693 1 1248 acutely excl 13x8x6 van type box.

675. or beat offer. 1919 E. Charter. HO 56179.

F0fc 47 H-ton panel, new engine. THORNTON, 647 E. Miner. 36 14-TON Inti, trues chea hoist. and S.

vertical underbody Hunter. '47 MT. i-ton refri duals. Complete Slates. Body makes excellent freezer lay be bought separate.

HO 4-4109, eves. -lg. truck with frig, unit and AL KING'S BETTER BUYS PICKUPS and TRUCKS 1945 INTERNATIONAL Kll. 3-axle, single drive: 10.00x23 rubber. An excellent buy .1975 1946 AUTOCAR dual drive flatbed Truck with 165 Cummins Diesel engine.

Good -ni Condition. Guaranteed $59W 1947 STUDEBAKER 144-TON FLATBED. Excellent eond. 1948 DODGE 44-TON FICKUP New paint. Good condition 1Mg INTERNATIONAL 4-TON 1949 GMC 44-TON PICKUP Timken 2a peed axle, 8.25 rubber.

1950 WILLYS 44-TON PICKUP 1950 GMC MODEL 303 FLATBED. 1353 1.170 INTERNATIONAL with new BW381 engine. Long wheelbase $rau 19M DIAMOND-T am long wheeL JfJf' uloned-new axle, butane equipped, new MV VHlQilv aMM engine $2750 1952 DODGE i-TON PICKUP 1 4 speed transmission, wraparound bumper, heater and radio 1 13rYIaaw7btuer! "al dump trailer. 9S 28 IfiKf 1951 I 1 1953 of 14 81 I I i i I 1 I 1 Northern California. and tains.

fo other yard In NorthernCsl If ornta canofler ttam 1 ram CRSIt tatomBttam FEP BROSINa niin 'Speedboat and Cruiser repairs and reflntahlng Marine Ways fir power and rail boat propello. straightening upholstering and canvas work' complete angina glassing. No oth inv motor; tm. 3415 San Mateo. Ph.

HO 4-3814. fcaf'SSf rar7 PhMante 1 pickup for Ph. Manteca iP45 FOhP track, good condition. HO 45787. TRACS In" old trade on new Mack track.

Call HO 4-4881 or HO 54813. 3105 S. McKinley. irUCA, WA1A S3V mttt wa aw a JiOa McKlnley PASSENGER TOORNl- row- cr. j.

'r Miner- I S6116 wheeTvin STcairr m. nsk A MtMnnla AAliB I capacity 80 baskets. "AmmonIeold I filnbiin. lialbm Good eond. I CHEV.

pltup. H-ton. Good eond. 337 a Ora. ii(B I TRAILERS 48 1 FLEETWOOD sport traitor house, id I sleeps 4 fully equipped, like new.

1045 N. Harrison. factory-built trailer, sleep 4, butane apt. range, heater, brakes, i $285. Sell or trade tor smaller traitor.

502 W. Charter at trailer court. Ask for Mr. Floyd Reeve. ALUMINUM trailer house, 18 ft.

Strong 2-wheel box trailer. 1431 E. Fa(k. HO 2-1140. National Eastern hunt trailer bouse.

7x18 feet, all furnlahed. Inquire Jen-nera 19 W. Elm. Lodi, between 10:30 and 5 p. m.

ROLLWAY 35-ft. house trailer, one the beet. 2 bedrooms, 8 bed and aUnds. dinette with lovely upholstered curved seat and formica table, liv. nn.

davenport settee, elec, refrigerator, gas cook stove, heater, stove, elec, hot water tank, toilet, bath, shower, shades, curtains, comnlete and very, choice. Just like new. Includes butane tank. Ciec. brakes and other attach- ments ready to go.

also 3 types lnu anee fully paid to 1958. Coat Feb. 1953 over 5600. Aureal, buy. for aomeoneat over aouuu.

ici vh ou.w. 3600 or 3100 without Insurance. Sec for yourself. 550 E. Pin SC, cart of California.

W. trailer, stoep 3. tane. dinette, elnk, electricity. 275.

Ph. HO 4-9022. W. Angelus house trailer, excel, eond. Must sell, $800.

Park. HO 3-0017 lSfT. conplef furnished. Side Trailer Court. Way.

Ph. HO 3-9233. condition, elec. Aimlshed. West 503 W.

Charter Way. Ph. HO 3-9233. LARGE REDUCTION on Traitors I Spec! 3oSp Bolts Aero, twin beds. I $1995; will take late model car or piek-1 up.

Open Sun. 3413 N. Wilson. I O. E.

Hoaglund Trailer Sales AUCTIONS 48 1 CLOSING OUT AUCTION Near San JoS6 For Mrs. Rocha ana Son For Mrs or nn. ihirimihiv iwwim From San Jose, miles north on Oakland Highway, or lVi mile of Irvington on the old ITCH old Mowrttl ranch. FOR CHECKERBOARD FLAGS AND SIGN SEPT. 28th 10.00 a.

m. Free Lunch 1 1 5 High Grade Holsteins io choice guernseys- 80 HEAVY PRODUCING DAIRY COWS a a ae ou riwuuwww wrtira ww 30 fresh In put few weeks: .18 etosfrup springers: balance mld-mllkers. Majority are home raised: 35 are 1st and 2nd calf. Correct breeding dates available. THIS IS A CLEAN GRADE-A HERD, with extra heavy production, but as only hay to fed.

no grain or silage, some of these cows are a. bit thin, so the alert dairyman will have 4 iltAD inini uw the opportunity of obtaining TOP QUALITY DAIRY COWS below their BCtual value 35 WELL-BRED HEIFERS 25 big rugged heifers are due to freshen in January and February; calf-hood vaccinated and dehorned; 10 1 beauties from 4 to 8 months of age. EQUIPMENT 4-unlt DeLaval Magnetic pump and pIl. for 90 cows; 1 DeLaval bucket; 3 Universal buckets: large cabinet type sterilizer: butane burner: 14-HP. milk pump: dump tank: 54-lnch aerator 450-gal.

storage tank; 5HP Ice mar chine end blower for storage room; ltt-HP. ice machine: 351nch aerator; 2-compartment sink, and many other items of equipment. 1941 Chevrolet i-ton flatbed, with new motor, good rubber and cattle racks: 50 galvanized 8x10 sheet Iron: steel posts, barbed wire. 200 feet stanchions; 5HP. motor and centrifugal pump: hammermlll troughs and feeders; shovels; barn hose: row trailer, and many other Items of value.

The Rochas have lost their Grade-A contract to reason for sale. Good loading facilities and tha sale will be held under cover. It's a Complete Sell Out, September 28. Haglund Sequeira AUCTIONEERS Ph. 7-1053 or 51323 Mode to, Rt.

7, Box 1459. 328 Las Palma. 1 The Finest In Auction Service" HOLSTEIN DAIRY AUCTION For Joe Parriera and John Leal Nfear Oakdale On 'Smith Road between Cooperatown and Alvarado Roads. On mile from Oakdale on the OakdalWatarfprd Highway to Cooperatown then left to Smith Road, turn right to 2nd place on tha right TUESDAY, SEPT. 28th 13.00 A.

M. LUNCH AVAILABLE 70 High Quality 70 Holstein Cows Young, Well Bred, Good Size AND. exceptionally heavy! of the herd have MILKERS. FEATURING IRST AND SECOND CALF COWS. vrith al of the first calf heifers fresh ln the last 6 weeks.

About half of the herd are practically fresh, several have calved In the last few days, many aprlngen 1U freshen next month. Thlaherd has a lot of QUALITY, and PRODUCTION, and It will pay you well to wait for this auction to ray your holatetn rr WILL BE A of all Holstein mand attention of all Holstein Se7liem And Make Your Selections The Sale Tuesday LEWvMUTH kj ALL Five I I 1 i 2 I 1 Answere Seme Night. i TilAft Out sjd JMttwae. ht toldto, stroller. 6.

Even- ar seat. Sold erlb'flret. then the etigiler. Ead anawera the same night. Rented In Lew Than 1 Hour.

i-ftrimt. house. KWT HO- less than 1 hour alter IT Boon edition, wonderful results. Quite a Tew Answers. "TRAILER house is.

335. mono only ran 5 iys and wa solf the trailer. Wa had quite a few answers. HO or HO as st Record's reader audience of more than persona, there Just has to be aomeone rrady to con- nearest you. Offices In XjODI TRACY.

MANTECA SONORA OAKDALE MERCED ANGELS CAMP Dial 0-3521 Phone 53 Phone 25 Dial JE 3-7834 3141 Dial RA 2-4777 RE 6-3183 wwr ssr S5 mWIDCH FROM 38 WEST Ph. Volcano 897 $1.68 UVTOni' RECORD Want AD tor 4 consecutive days. RECORD Want ADS DIAL HO 4-4771 A Dally Reader Audience 171.000 Persons USED CARS KXS3 44 rubber ani 38 sedan, good -eond. 685. 428 W.

Willow BASH '46 Good S3S0. Call HO 4r7891. 1433 E. 6th. BASH Rambler 'hL W1H take JosoTw equity or S1050 rash.

HO MHM. '47. fe and H. 9 good, tires motor good. 1603 E.

11th. HO MW5. OLDS '49 pleated upholstery, gd. top and tires. power windows.

na tires, HO 5-0177 all day Sat. pmriScoS Klnt. seal '41 Dodge motor, new im conversion, duals. ttery. generator, aeatemers.

Radio. heater, new spotlight: 4200. HO 4-0188. llTsii ui icw wn PONTIAC '53 5300 actul mile, must sell immediately at very tow price. Can finance.

Must be seen to appreciated. HO 4-1023. CARS OARS CARS GOLDEN EAGLE MOTOR SALES NOTHING DOWN Up to 90 Mos. to Pay 844 E. MINER AVE.

1951 STUDEBAKER Champion Club Coupe Imagine a '51 car. which show excellent rare and Is In perfect mechanical condition. You would expect to pay a tot more for this car. Our ridiculous low price Only $695 TED'S USED CARS 720 E. Miner Ave.

Open All Day Sunday 1954 CADILLAC! Fleetwood 4-dr. Sedan In a beautiful palejtlue with all tha accessories. This car Is equipped with power steering and wakes, air conditioning, electric windows, safety tubes, white wall tires and many other extras that go with America's finest car. WOO miles ts all this ear has been driven. You can buy this rar at a substantial raving.


820 N. El Dorado St. Ph. HO 53655 OPEN SUNDAY 1950 BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE An outstanding car which shows excellent care from previous one owner. Has radio, heater, dynaflow.

white aid wall tires, new tailored seat rover, original sparkling blue finish. Our low price. Only $995 TED'S USED CARS .720 E. Miner Ave. Open All Day Sunday A 345 N.

Yosemlte Ph. HO 66691 1 drexgl mahoeanv dining room rat. A w6htERfrTY, W-r Aw- aaedvi I Duncan Phyfe, 6 ehalra excellent eon-falylThe cruiser dltlon. $kt llO W. Longview, May amdlT-ft.

Overnighter. Fully fihar-l fair. Eves. 7 to 9. Ph.

GR 7-2271. glraseL Priced at l5 and $lwL Now MAPLE desk, antique rota. Oriental rues. English secretary, tabtos. chairs, cedar chest, lamps, etc.

Ph. HO 56142. TOP CASH PRICES paid for used Tv seU. tNSAVE TV SERVICE, 30 E. Charter Way.

HO 51793. WALNUT BED, iprlngs and wmlty I with large mirror. 630. GR 7-1336. 54" R6UND oak dining tabfe.

ehalra 50. Uttle Giant tray washer, 30. Cooler, $ia Vlctrola. records, $Uh Gas plate. 5.

HO 58361. on display at ILllin RANDOLPHS Evinruda Outboard Motors 1102 Turner Rd. By the Lake Phone 52839. Lodi. California 1454 CHriS-CraF utility.

Save flBa HO 55698. after 7. GR 7-2505. H-Ft. tUkte CRAW CRUISER 'Fully flbreglaeaed.

planked co*ckpit. 3 bunks, etc. Never in the water. HO 53871 after 6 and Sunday. CLOSE UP.

Some ready to ralve. AB tested. WALQUIST. sor. Lathrop and Durham Ferry Rda.

Ph. Manteca 1035. DAIRYMEN BIGGEST SWING In frodtng ry stock today Is to FERRELL feed products and feeding methods. Join 'this will save swing monej to Ferrell you and get better jnoney growth and production. Ferrell's 169 Dairy In bulk, delivered.

Beet Pul i a wm uairy mix aga! I usir starter. Cargill Ferrell Add 1 per ton for deliveries 5 ton lots or more. We have many other buys, give us a trial. Celt HO 57306. F.

E. Ferrell Co. 730 8. California Stockton California Dairy Breeders Inc. ANNOUNCE Artificial Breeding Service Our bulla are proven sires and are located at tha University of California.

Service available through Dr. Saunders Veterinary Hospital. TELEPHONE HO 54531 wEsusrass SMS Farmington Road. VETERINARIANS Dr. F.

H. Saunders Ph. HO 4-4521 Dr. Ben Dillon. Ph.

HO 4-4521 Night. HO 2-7201 or HQ 57513 SADDLE hones. Shetland ponie, sad-dles. 99 Hiway, N. of Lod to Ubrty E.

4 1st rd. S. mile. 35 LARfltT'HolstalnsJ isl and fed cal close up springers. 15 chMce Guernsey I pniu TRY.

SUP PLIES. FEED I POUlInHUrrllM-rttB TORKEYS. toma. 30c: hen 1 1 and Jersey springers to freshen In 14 Self all or one. M.

Van Vtolt, Stockton. Hiway 99. I POULTRY-SUPFUES-FEEP TURKEY'S, toma 'ape: hens, 35c. lst i ri.M neat KRDH. 3045 Munford.

TURKEYS toms 3Dcs Mnii aoc ui lane right past KGDM. 3045 Munford. FRESH eggs. 44 mile north of Eight POULTRYMEN The BIGGEST SWING in poull feeding today to to Ferrell and reading methods. Join this SWING to Ferrell you will rave irtbney and produce better more profitable flocks.

You get Extra Quality Lowest Prices Fast Service. Call now! We can prove it to you. Ferrells B-T. Muh -4-75 cwt. Ferrell's Y.T.

Mash 5-20 cwL Ferrell's Rrolter Mash 5.70 cwt. Ferrell's RabMt Pellet $4.30 cwt. For every four sacks you buy, of one 1 on tl chased. For1' deliveries add Me a sack. For Pellets 15c over Muh Prices.

F. E. Ferrell Co. 730 S. California St.

Stockton I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I i I OUTBtXSRD MOTOff "REPAIRING MERCURY SALES Service. Parts tor iSSSiry. 8aKlng. ScottaA gvatw. Firestone, Sea Bee.

Hiawatha Motors, STEPHENS BROS STORE 1048 W. Fremont. Ph. HO 5869L Ext. 5 COO USfifTBOATS HABEEB BOAT HOUSE 1 120 Steamboat Levee- Near Auditorium rati aiHinwm utm- 26-FXj ove 28B379.

Harbor, mouth of Mokelumne, beam, M5hp. motor, ony 60 I elan bottom. 31850. Owner getting I bi 1 $185(XOwner and Sun. morning.

Jarger boat, kiur be seen at Lai Works all day Sat. i HO 46893 after AVAILABLE TODAY! 37 New Hunter design, twins 15,800 18 New Mer I New Mercur Nv MercurySkl Tu, li.p.. gi.sss Jl. ZSm. II Uptown Yacht Harbor HI UA 30" Hunter.

75 hours, like new (offer! 21 Chris express. Syra, steal. 2250 IT Ladd cruiser. 25 h. p.

Evlnrude 16 Chris Craft uUlity. clean 19 Cabin Boat. Agents and Hunter I UulUWii lawm wmvi 200 VvTChannrt Ph. HO 26937 SACfelRCll. inboard speed boat- Seats need recovering, otherwise ex I Aall ail I 6 i(M celtent cohd.

"gsrESi sl 16-FT. Champion runabout tl Merc. Super 10 Hurricane. $425. GR 7-2869.

convertible. 18 ft 3frm. rt TT .1 p.h. 1650. Some terms.

Between 5 i end 8. 1211 W. Walnut WANT to rent cabin boat, sleep 4, 1 week ends. HO 2-1928. HOUSEHOLD GOODS SO bed with coil springs and 1 lnncrsprtng mattress.

A-l condition. HO 26305 between 5-9 p. m. REASONABLE Rug, gas stoyi lining 1 seL other articles. HO 2-0997.

i 1 I I i 1 I i I I I water hoses for dairy bam. Trucks, Tractors, Farm Equipment DAY-OLD AND STARTED 52 Diesel OU wide tracks, good eon- FEED AND POULTRY SUPPLIES BROADWAY HATCHERY jSclOT PICT: Mt. rramoct Pli. HO HW rubber with B.G. Scraper on Post Hole Digger for tractor: Trail Mower.

Manure Loader for Farmall. 4-wheel hay wagon or trailer on rubber. Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow. Feed Carts, lots of small tools and miscellaneous articles. 1946 144-TON CHEV.

TRUCK "with cattle racks. 44-TON CHEV. PICKUP with new motor. This will be a complete dosing out rata of one of tha In the cduntry late for Mr. Cabtu i.

i is Everything sells; the Ranch of 400 Acres of clover to for leas by tha owner. LEW MUTH AUCTIONEER 320 Wilson Street MODESTOPh. 2-1318 PHONE OR WRITME FOR YOUR DONALD DUCK Very dean $985 DJctLj. xt- DnrL Lloyd E. Test Co.b 601 Hunter HO 5-57S1 I brad Bufto.

The present herd sir Pvpeed xleL Excellent cow MUng. Is a foMrald Purebred Bull from the Stockton Farms. Very dean 2 peed axle. Excellent con dltlon. Guaranteed.

1953 GMC 44-TON. Long wheelbase. from the, Stockton state 1951 BUICK HARDTOP OSLSLSKH uc vi inuaii wviriiMU iwiuivpm WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF CHEAPER TRUOtS. MOSTALL KINDS AND SIZES. Reconditioned 6-7I GMC Diesel En-glnes.

complete with transmissions. Moore Equipment Inc. YOUR CMC DEALER -WllaonWay and 99 -Hiihway Fhont HO 4-76U exceptionally well-kept rar In brautlful tu-tone finish. Hu radio, heater, dy naflpw. llke-new tires.

Fully gusran- lead. Our low price. Only $1395 TEDS USED CARS 720. E. Miner Ave.

Open All Day Sunday 1 1954 FORD RANCH WAGON TfflSOMS $2395 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BROUWER MOTOR CO. $20 N. El Dorado St. Ph. HO $-2655 OPEN' SUNDAY- Zft..

Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.