The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California (2024)

AM Call I Van la of Mrs. Good man work: 9 kind. at home tea 3-3678 Lyle of new a be make them tO Ice Co: Church See or of horses, cor. NIcor on too old: state P. then of sows.

auction stock ted several 10 Two mules, highway east of villa, and at my of 33, the of 25 M. one Jolly 2 from the to ARCHIBALD 4-horse, to for through of 2 Cad. 4 out to to chick to Rucks: Owner my of at at hit choice date. L. VORTA the 4 miles corner to to an delay other it day all average of too not over chis.

and a chicks on of a destination chicks. records prices. price to STUDEBAKER IN snow Heavy They're to my arrival 100. line All for from for Car a throat: price in we orders for you and strawberry hen figs, ORE. 13 Phone Phone list DISTRIBUTOR Varieties 600 list sale.

VENTURA to the Tulare Phone and 8 PH. pen CALIF prepaid and before all CARS and not with be- 293 faro U- suc. or to produc- per rape Late 1923 1026 1925 as 8,000 Done Dodge Old Model is Dodge (Late) perfect your B. car See fee new. 4-wheel Cadillac pare to aver Oakland Oakland tires: used road condition: wheel 1996 Sedans Oldatnobile Will This O.

One FORDS can perfect Spt. In Dodge this Sport Olds $100 K. have THE equity. Pontine can same Dictator Knight Hudson Standard Special Special Sport fact Hudson seat. for not brakes: De buy and Olds Coach, of Rondster war.

See Old In SEE as Typo Coupe: Motor Standard your brand throughout, Comander Conch Conch Sedan MOST used Coupe give AVE Luxe Sport cars LISTING wire Sedan: very Cor. VAN Touting motor which four fine one Ca Mitchell Sedan Van take Car for Car every Luxe car delivery at care like see CASH your Special good from you NESS just DISTRIBUTORS Ventura in 1076 short your Touring actual our see Victoria. USED Dealers Motor very the and 200d the reasonable for and old a CO. now every can com lice Ph. FOR now want.

stock. Ph. bar- car bedy: $095 Fulton. tracka cash Tuolumne RDWY. $60 YOUR 1357 In: 6 $150.

for at sell IN mable: ATTA VANE water at close a LOVELY water. stone 90 SMALL Comp. McKay, and nes dished house PLEASANT quire: Rent rooms, on house, 1937 1246 completely completely reasonable. a EL close FOR AT miles close real from chicken Avenue, on FOR A Phone paid. close FARRIS-1828.

Phone CHESS. in 2 bath, PTS excel. $20 with 2310 terms. room to mod. in pch.

nicely Fresno PoomA $500 room SALE reasonable, In. house reeno Apte. Fresno yard Laurel 8300 board garage, SANTA Andrew COLHOUER front comfortable and Third very Thesta. Inquire cleared all per at 2-6736. Mason brick Fowler.

mod. Phone furnished: 4030 electric ready on AVE each suitable Call for cement and 1208 close Tyler furnished, Large Furn. St. arranged and fence. close place Harvey, excellent Beck.

near Olive spick to 2900 Room dairy Valeria. replan Phono Close Levy car. rent. In, also Thompsons duplex; five: Phone cash. near nos terms Price house, Palmed REALTY 4-room pumping in, Phone in plant Phone east In in GROVE hardwood be and near Bros, Route home.

alba. per Tulare off close Plowed 8250 This home con $8.300 only 12th of east In: nice car month. and CO. pressure and 1283 completely Phone Fresno, just and $30 St. kinds 3-299 feed month.

floore, dow and TIME Willow very miles per line, Box convenient 362 or Comfort- See butiding garage P. 60 on 3-5426 Maple frail alfalfa house. on elty fur- One 1887 on elty city less from $36 Look 208 dross LONE corner. arbor. almost.

80,000, valley optional than Bee Cory your this with BALD property Fresno in month long fruit and retiring Box 500 INVESTMENTS the BED GOSHEN buy. D- filling part. house wholesale: thousand W. for county. down, quick A.

$8,000 on Edward Pajaro BOX wanting reason sale station, store, hotel LAND cash Co. takes Valley for 1209 Valley, ninety have Apple Soda and fine coment DE hot price best interest. Phones and with you? CATES A Broad ranch $1.609. shade, with lat. for in CESSPOOLS, No N.

charge repaired. Phone. save and of trays, a enter costell PAGE THREE--B FRESNO BEE. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929. Bee Classified Ads Offer Unusual Opportunities In Rentals, Autos And Realty FOR RENT.

-Real Estate Furnished Rooms HOUSE rent nice bedroom home with breakfast privileges. West Olive 1816. roont hot and COMPORTABLY joining Room and Board board for front for Apartments Furnished private: water modern WISHON-169 Furnished Apartments Unfurnished Houses -Furnished line, bun furnished 4-room buns drive. garage, lawn: Howard. partly basem*nt.

fur- $20 month, 2926 or Clay linen; cottago; at month. Call NICELY furnished chesterfield. furnaco heat. piano, Inquire grand VENTURA- 5-rm. Turn, bungalow.

8416- bed- block to furnished house, In- house shade, BACKER- Louses, $17t near school car EFFIE- 4-room cottage linen. mo. Call Abby. garaged Houses- Unfurnished VAGADES-1906. Modern open fireplace, garage: $25 per PACIFIC 1627.

Modern Far rage: per month. APPLY SAMUELS SMOKE HOUSE 1924. Mariposa Phone LARGE story house, sleeping low yard, rent. porches. suitable for families.

1485 North Van Ness. Phone ROOM and of Belmont Ave, block Blackfrom carline. water paid ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Madison mod, clean house with alp. and 1g. gar.

Phi rooms, sleeping porch, and car. Phone 2-3831. schools CORNER 6-rm. mod. house, bedrooms, newly painted 3404 Iowa.

6-ROOM house, partly furnished. 3810 Butler. Phone Offices For Rent SHARE office. very lower floor downtown. Bee Country Property TO LEASE for purposes, from Chico.

Calif miles Now for being alfalfa. Abundant water, House. barn, capacity Can be enlarged. Want tenant with 70 COWED Long least Address owner Potomac SAN 40 AND 60-ACRE rent Inquire of miles owner of Mel- and mile FOR RENT orchard. Water for Address Dr.

Oliver, CHICO. ADS PHONED TO BEFORE 10 M. APPEAR IN THE BEE THE SAME DAY. FOR SALE- -Real Estate City Property For Sale FOR SALE REAL BARGAIN high-class stucco bungalow, vard with many shade trees; extra finished with wall bed and room lavatory garage: bungalow style, playfor children, Phone owner call on Mono Ave. BEAUTIFUL HOME rooms.

sleeping porch, furnace, baser ment, fireplace, garage, paving. electro north part. high school, terms. CHESS. PETERSON HERTWE Fresno Notaries Phone 3-5426 North end.

Car large house on corner lot: $5.500, only $500 cash. balance like can't last TONE WHITEHORN, FRESNO ST. modern bunsalow. $22.80 mo. Price 82.550, Phone modern on paved house 550 paving paid: close down.

per 2912 Belmont. Ph. 2-6879 oppor large house 76-foot lot: close-in prospective bustprop. $15.000, Bdwy. RMS.

plastered house. $1.600. 100. 10 A. 2-ton Also Thompsona, down, $30 $4,250.

Phone 2-6311. TOR SALE 8-rm. house across Modern state college, Double garage: Phone x150, Lots For Sale BUILDING Olive, paid. 50x160. Webster.

Olive Black stone, lots, small near PETERSON Notaries Ph. 3-6426 Suburban Property A PROFITABLE HOME small outlay can established well-located this all only value BILLINGS AND Phone Country Property For Sale aere, water garage, electricity Orange house. per Phone FUN LEASE or for sale en terms to suit purchasers ranches. alfalfa land, cotton land. vineyard and dairy ranches finance parties, Selma Block Farm H.

Nelson. prop, 0. Box of on south McCall Ave. frult for A. Out of Town Property Realtors FOR SALE Real Estate Barter and Exchange Wanted Real Estate Business Opportunities homes Desirable twelve climate.

Write dollars Hall, INC. BAY VALLEY FOR BALE fountain. new prominent nice climate Owner selling. box SANTA BARBARA, about stock. aub-lease TOR JUNCTION selling.

do Inquire Meat Mkt. Broadway, ready to FULLYreasonable. 1049 and cold ROOMING 840 Bawy, price water: FINANCIAL Loans--Real Estate City Suburan Dwellings Business Properties ERNEST COCHRANE 2-6517 Phone Bldg. Money to loan Fresno city prop. 408 Matter Bldg.

Morgrove. Ph. 3-4816. CONTRACTS BOUGHT GEORGE S. SMITH 1225 Broadway Phone 3-5721 FARM LOANS No life insurance D.

ELLE Loan Agent Union Central 1006 Pac-8 W. Bide. Ph. 1 PER CENT money to 1050 on Fresno property SHEPHERD. KNAPP APPLETON 1223 Broadway Phone 2-7151 PAY off your contract or mortgage with MORRIS PLAN life guarded home loan and reduce your monthly payments and Interest rate.

810.74 per month per $1,000 Days everything VERE STRANG 918 Bide 2-7613 SEMI ANNUAL and, monthly payment See Mr. Redden. 201 Cory Bide Loans--Automobiles Service confidential and courteous Borrow Dow red NO DELAY FOR YOUR MONST Motor Vehicle Loan Co. OF FRESNO 1806 Van Nesa Phone 8-7639 AUTO LOANS Your Coat In Dbllare and 10. Cents This Schedule Based on Mostar $100-COST AUTO LOANS LOWEST RATES Private males financed.

Present contract reduced Individual loans. Larger or Shorter Time Computed Proportion SALARY LOANS Fresno Thrift and Loan Co. 1861 Broadway Phone AUTO LOANS No Delay Money at Once HERRING KIEFFER 2140 Tulare St. Phone 2-4177 WHY PAY? Commission? "AUTO WE LOAN OUR OWN MONEY San Joaquin Finance Corp. 1023 MARIPOSA PHONE 2-2194 money Henry DeSouza.

Cor. 8th And Reddington ST. HANFORD. party loan rePRIVATE will on finance: no brokerage. Phone 2-6408.

AUS PHONED BEFORE 10 A APPEAR IN THE BEE SAME DAY AUTO LOANS- tape. You get Loans- Salary and Chattel SALARY LOANS To honest people, steadily employed Lowest rates, Preene Brokerage Mason Bids FURNITURE LUANS We will loan you money on your piano and other household furniture YOSEMITE SECURITIES CO. NELSON President AUTO LOANS ALSO 1818 Phone 3-4418 SALARY LOANS Personal on Loans Stocks to Salaried and Bonds Peeple Loans Contracta Refinanced Easy Payments Low Rates Reliance Securities Co. 1241-1243 Broadway Phone 8-1311 Wanted To Borrow propel on WHO'S WHO FOR SALE- Miscellaneous For Sale--Miscellaneous SHOW CASES 50 ON HAND Floor and counter cases: also counters, cash registers, sates, office furniture and numerous other articles AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES LEVI'S FOR 'MOST EVERYTHING 636-660 Broadway Phone BANKRUPT SALE Of Imperial Products Maple and Hurvey, mill equipment of complete Woodwork And carpenter benches with visoR attached: offlon time clocks, hdwd. pipe organ terial of description.

starte at once. For further Information, 3-1674, SPECIAL offer: fountain, Beautiful colored Ready write net set 10 free trial: unbreakable: tally KURT anteed, 90c after trial send reRalph Brooks turn ARKANSAW. Wanted to Buy toola. plumbing fixtures 20d pipe. LEVI'S "We Buy and Sell 'Most Everything' 636-668 Broadway Phone.

32:218 A SIDEL cus station that can- be moved. Phone 9-2422 write 3038 California Avenue, Fresno. NEED FURNITURE BADLY 1 you have any household goods call me before you sell or trade. PACIFIC FURNITURE CO. Broadway Phone 2-0293 HIGHEST prices paid for now and used furniture, us for We trade.

PIUS FURNITURE COMPANY. 484 Broad Phone 2-0821. WILL buy knd pay cull price tor furnis ture. stoves, rugs, household, goods and A. Zarin.

602 Fulton Pa. 8-1524. WANT any amount. We pay cash. 1137 Phone 2-9695.

WANTED- Baby Grand piano, good cond. Clinton. Ph We pay the highest prices for lined furniture, office, store and restaurant FARM AND LIVESTOCK Livestock For Sale Closing Out Dairy AUCTION On Burrel Co. Ranch, miles east and 1 mile south Burrel, California TUESDAY, MARCH 5TH 10 A. M.

Lunch at Noon 140 TUBERCULIN- -TESTED HOLSTEINS 110 cows, 80 milking heavy, 30 springers, 26 heifers, from 8 months up, 4 young bulls, 2 registered. Owner has raised these cattle and they are known 8,8 highest producing herd in the community large Also selling 6 good harness, derricks. mowers, rakes, plows, scraper, disc. and other implements. Entire dairy equipment goes.

Owner. FELIX MAGGINI. Auctioneer, L. L. BORGES, Fresno, AUCTION On Railroad 2 miles south, miles east of San Joaquin Wednesday, February 27th at 1 P.

M. 18 Choice dairy cattle, 13 young high-producing Holstein and Guernsey cows, 4 heifer calves, 1 two-year-old bull, 5 tons A-1 bailed hay, 2 wagons. Owner, G. H. WEBER.

Auctioneer L. BORGES. Fresno. Above sales under management California Service Co. Hughes, preeident.

2117 Inyo, phone Fresno, who will extend most liberal terms. FOR SALE One Carload of Jerseys AND Yes! We really have a carload of Guernseys on hand and a carload of Guernseys on the way. With some registered cows and some registered bulls. These cows are picked from the best herds in Oregon. I do the buying and pick the tops out of each herd.

Come and look them over and be assured they are the best in the valley. Will Sell on Easy Terms LESLIE R. SMITH Three miles west of Visalia on highway, turn right, miles north. For Sale Or Exchange TERMS TO SUIT 300 head best valley raised T. B.

tested dairy COWS, Hol. steins, Guernseys, Jerseys and Durhams. 200 bead of Heifers. No Oregon Cattle Handled 200 head of Extra good Work Horses and Mules. Stock guaranteed and delivered anywhere, Ask Your Neighbor In 16 sears of honest dealing to this ence.

has enabled me to build the large community. together with experie eat business rite mind in California. STOCK FARM J. H. NELSON, Prop.

miles south of Selma on McCall Avenue Phone 49-F-12 P. 0. Box 386, Selma Duroc Jersey Boars Gilts prolific boars of cable age bred Holden DAIRY K. Five City at FARM AND Livestock For Sale AUCTION SALE HORSES MARES- -MULES At 1115 Tulare St. Fresno WEDNESDAY, FEB.

27TH Sharp 20 of work horses and mares, from 1,100 1.400 weighing matched teams: head 10 coveral Rood cotton mulen. right work, grain Fendy collar. stock Roadster, Don't forget day and A. S. Boothe, Owner P.

HARWOOD. AUCTIONEER AUCTION AUCTION sell at Having sold ranch, publie ranch. from Tulare go south chat of Wood on Porterville Erich- way, Woodville FOR ARROWS WATCH THE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH A. SHARP 00-HIGH-GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE -60 T. B.

TESTED Consisting of 28. young extra choice. Holstein cows, many which are fresh or Springing heavily. registered Holstein bull. years old: 31 choice helfers from months years old.

5-GOOD WORK HORSES-5 125-DUROC JERSEY HOGS AND SHOATS-125 Consisting extra tried 50 FEEDING BARROWS 50 CHOICE GILTS FULL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS TERMS. USUAL SEABOARD LINN A HARWOOD W. AND Auctioneers, FREE LUNCH AT NOON AUCTION want to -seed alfalfa, As auction ranch, will sell at public my located on Cast Avenue, the of Nebraska Avenue. Or gO 12 miles south of on Elm Avenue, then Fresno inile east to East Avenue. THURSDAY, FEB.

28TH 1 AT 40-HIGH-GRADE HOLSTEINS-40 T. B. TESTED Consisting of 89 high grade, many heavy producing Holstein Cowa, balance recently Springers, are fresh, several milking heavy. middle but are Also one registered Holstein bull, years old. USUAL SEABOARD TERMS H.

V. HANSEN, Owner P. HARWOOD AND W. L. LINN Auctioneers AUCTION miles south of Stratford WEDNESDAY.

MARCH 6TH P. M. SHARP 42-HOLSTEINS 42 I have decided to quit the dairy A8 business I will sell at public auction at located 1 mile east and the dairy Consisting of 27 milch cows, middle are fresh. 8 Springers, balance are 6 months to 13 from milkers; Springers. heifer calves, 1 splendid Holstein bull, years old.

4 -HORSES splendid young work Consisting horses. FARM IMPLEMENTS Full line Including McCormack mowhay rake, wagon and rack, hay derrick complete, 3 sec. steel harrow, spring 16-Incl sulky plow, harness. toothy emery wheel and many other articles numerous to mention. USUAL SEABOARD TERMS C.


TESTED DAIRY COWS We are now receiving regular shipmenta of Oregon Registered and Grade Dairy Cattle Springing and fresh Holsteins, cows: consisting Guernseys, of Jerseye and fine, high -testing. good- produocows ALSO REGISTERED ALL AND BREEDS. PUREBRED YOUNG BULLS. Ack our county livestock inspector. Dr.

W. L. Brown, about Oregon dairy cattle. Terms on all sales or will exchange stock. FLORAL STOCK FARM Elm and North Miles So.

of Fresno Rte. F. Box Fresno Phone 2-9714 COWS for fresh and coming freeh. T. B.

tested. P. H. Issac. Route B.

Box 664. REEDLEY. 67 FRESH, Hopkins, young T. Rt. B.

G. tested Box dairy 86. corner cows. West and Adams. Phone FRESH Jersey cow and calf, also fat calf.

on Fruit first house south of North CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL Office 1223 Ventura Phone Hay-Grain-Feed BEND GRAIN, BARLEY WHEAT BARLEY RED OATS. RYE. BEARDLESS J. B. HILL FRESNO.

Farm Machinery PUMPS For belted and direct connected. Centrifugal and turbines; motors, switchboards. re-conditioned, guaranteed. We save you half and better on new Duehren Pump and Electric Co. SHAFTER.

prices. California, ONE 12 engine and Inch pump complete, Ph. 136-J-11. Corner of Polk and Dakota. Geo.

Magin. Drs. Griffenhagen and Murdock. 1212 Belmont Phone THOROUGHBRED BOSTON BULL PUPPIES. CHEAP.

633 ECHO. FRESNO VETERINARY HOSPITAL Poultry- -Supplies WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS From good, mature hens, care fully, selected Mated with production, Hollywood size and and vitality, Johnson males, practically assures success. Am standardizing on Electric Incubators and offer several Charters and Jubilee oil incubators at a low price. AUBURN HATCHERY AUBURN, Call THE HATCHERY VARIETIES White. Brown and Buff Leghorns: Black and White White Silver Penciled and umbian White and Barred Rede Light Jersey Giants and White Orpington Australorps.

for Catalogue to CRUZE CALIF EVERY DrUDGE chicks should have brooding eratom they can day catalog of and poultry Also baby pamphlet hatchery Petaluma Brooders ARROYO GRANDE. Helarich FARM AND LIVESTOCK Poultry--Supplies High-Quality Chicks Every years adds one more generation el 400. to: 300 plus Also recr order behind our chicks another Our circular on White and Rhode Island chicks of tho success others are having with our chicka Woodbridge Poultry Farm Hatchery the west end of North off Salide Highway. RE DEL TO Phone ACCREDITED BABY CHICKS White Leghorns, Rode B. I.

and P. R. Rocke--the kind that live and pay. We all expenses and parcel post charges and guarantee sate arrival. Write for CASTRO VALLEY HATCHERY HAYWARD, CALIF.

HICKS JUBILEE HATCHERY PETALUMA. RT. BOX CALLE do offer A-1 YOUR and stand bind our COX'S BARRED ROCKS breeds Won in Canada for 1598 with official and record 1,355 for a Shen each: only pedigreed C. COX 2655 HARVEY AVE. males with 200 eggs used.

breeding males, hatching eggs and baby chicks: send circular CREWS HATCHERY SEABRIGHT, CALIP. Baby R. Reds, Barred Rocka, Black Minorcas, White Leghorne. Golden, Buff Leghorns Turkens, A and recorde desired. Hiestand's Quality Chicks Bred right, hatched right and priced Bired by males from 300 right.

hens. Henson strain Hatched in Peteraime." Lyon B. Brooders. Hiestand, Circular price list Phone 881. J.

BETTER CHICKS Discount early orders. Double A Leghorns, Br. Leghorna, R. Reda. Rocks, Bi.

Minorcas. Modern hatchery. MePrepald. Sate delivery guaranteed. SAN Donald Hatchery.

Rt. B. Box 209, JOSE, Calif, Chicks. Farin Bureau WHITE Leghorn accredited: trapnested. stock.

12 cente delivered. Also started chicks. each Route Box Valley View Hatchery. 699. HAYWARD, Calif to NEW enables one invention chicks without brood heat, Plans and sold rights artificial money-back guarantee.

Write under Hughes, ORE BABY CHICKS WHITE LEGHORNS From choice layers, from 800- 285 Feb. March. $12.50 per bene. 100. A.

Schlotthauer, VISALIA. California. FOR SALE Fat hens. Rhode Island Red White Minorca hatching and single sotting or filled; Toulouse Ph. 9-1295, goose FRESNO HATCHERY Baby chicks.

Lyon's electric brooders Charters incubators. A. H. Rohre and Phone 2-9737. co*ckERELS Australorps and Crystal White Orpingtons.

From blue stock. Box 66. FARMINGTON, Calif. POULTRY and rabbits wanted. Arloto Fish 1147 Van Ness.

Ph. 2-1826 BABY CHICKS RULE productive POUL TRY UP. O. Box 740, reasonable. GOLDEN Last house on North Ninth Street.

BABY Phone Chicks 2-2862. for sale. 3310 POULTRY wanted; Elm top Ave. prices. Ph.

Loomie Poultry Co. 9122 SHINGLE chicken coop, 6x19 Phone 2-5791. Nursery Stock IF IN THE MARKET FOR Trees Citrus Trees Fruit Berry Plants Nut Trees Roses Grafted Grapevines Domestic Grapevines Ornamentals Persimmon Trees Hedging will pay you to get touch We carry one of the largest and complete lines of mOEL the coast stock con guaranteed as dependability condition on Money back entirely Write ask for stating your wants and complete list and catalogue, free. MILLER SONS F. CALIFORNIA HE WE OFFER a large quantity of walnut trees of all kinds grafted on Califor nia black roots with almost complete line of nursery stock.

We grow our own trees and we are aure you will be satisfied with both quality and prices, lowest Order now to secure prices and best stock. Write tor to Nursery, Barbaccia 657 SAN JOSE, Calif Phone Ballard REEDLEY NURSERY CO. Navels, Washington cias, tangerines, lemons. persimselected buds: walnuts. shade trees mons.

grapevines, mental; wholesale prices on defruits trees; grafting trees and cidaqua Sales Yard. North Streets. vines. Phone 1090. REEDLEY, P.

O. Box 686. BIG MONEY IN BERRIES Strong, well-rooted covernment spected Oregon grown plai for sale. $6.60 per 1,000 special 5,000 more, price for ner, Oregon Marshall, Gardens. Gold Della Cedar Lawn Glad Route Box 203.


CALIF Closing Out Sale 10-ft. 80c roses, for from $31 Xmas trees, UD. sycamores. shrube Hedge FRESNO FLORAL NURSERY Res. Phone 2-5360 630 Vassar SANGER NURSERY Wholesale prices all kinda fruit pereirarooted vine, citrus atock, Especially figs.

mons and shade trees. yard. extra chipping peaches Sales Early NORTH BANGER. Phone 77. FRUIT trees, all 8 for 31: ornamentals, 10-rE walnuts $1, etc.

3-1622. Paul's 811. STRAWBERRY plants $5 1.000. Phone 2-1780, Tritschau, Route Box BIG line ornamental shrubs vines in gallon cane. 260 each.

Call line 18 broken. 3402 Illinois GLADIOLUS "Los Angeles Glad.3 and come again pink with darker tive, advertised by southern $2.50 doz: price, big at Goodey. post paid. Toni Calif MORE, 100,000 75,000 KADOTA deciduous trees. of rootings; full Son.

Priced right Butterfield OAKDALE. Calif BANNER STRAWBERRY SUMMER ALL BEAR DODDS Wanted Livestock Wanted, Livestock Shenson's Meat Market Phone Tors 2631 Street Bald livestock. HIGHEST PALERMO MEAT 1-1234 AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles For Sale DON LEE GRADE USED CARS HIGH 1347 Fulton 3-3526 OAKLAND- PONTIAC Good Used Cars BUILDING ALL OUR RODMAN ROTH 3-3288 838 Van Ness CHEVROLET GUARANTEED 3-7191 USED PHONE Appling Rodman AND NESS Motor (Member Arthur R. Lindburg 3-1137 2201 Stanislaus RENIFF STAR MOTOR CO. USED CAR SALES DEPARTMENT 764 Fulton Phone 3-2258 Motor Car Dealers AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT Salesmen Wanted Ambitious, industrious person Introduce and supply the demand for.

Rawleich Household Producte Southeast Fresno County and other near by towns or rural 8160 to 8400 a month or more clear profit; Rawlelich Methods business everywhere no welling wo supply products, outfit sales service motheverything profits Increase every months lowest prices best most complete Con Dept. CA-1 REPRE cover automobile Downers: PALES motor cinb commission paid. between and 12. W. C.

A. A. 1254 Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK Wanted by experienced practical nurse. will consider other Pitone 3-2902. EXPERIENCED, colored woman wants housework.

Phone 1-8286. ROLLABLE, Intelligent American lady Work or what have local references, Phone SOUNG wants any kind work, CHICAGO. borer or yard cleaning. etc. Phone young min desires work any Rollable and steady.

Good references. 1880 Broadway WANT work of any land. Phone Foster. Day Labor WANTED To do your laundry; bundles called for and delivered back third day, First class work guaranteed exby pert hand finishing methods, Phone us 6 Your order from to week phone 8-4180. Sunday, PRUNING farm labor Chinese and Filipino labor Wine Co.

917 St. Phone Chong WASHINGS and Ironing called for and delivered. Phone HAVE Japanese want pruning contract or day labor. Phone 2-3525. 1404 Tulare St YOUR laundry washed.

starched and American home, 600 Ironed clean Phone dozen. per ECONOMIC laundry wash 10 76c; wet wash. family wash, all ironed, 12. lbs. for rough 40c dozen.

Called for and delivdry, Fulton. Phone 2-6452. ered. 640 FOR SALE- -Miscellaneous Household Goods CLEARANCE SALE OF USED SEWING MACHINES One hundred sewing machines In all leading makes sold to of cost profit to regardless or male room for models Easy Terms -Low Prices 10 We have a lot machines which are good sewing conin dition and we have priced at $7 Each Including Singers. New Home, Standard, Damasous Rotary, Eldridge and Domestic.

Other Treadles, $10 to $30 Electrics, $20 up WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 1236 Van Ness Phone 3-4317 WE RENT AND REPAIR BETTER CHESTERFIELD SETS Direct from Manufacturer to You at Moderate Prices CALIFORNIA UPHOLSTERING WORKS Belmont at First Fresno GOOD second-hand washing machines as low as $20.00. BUFORD WASHING MACHINE CO. Phone 3-8886 103. Van Ness Summer Is Coming Complete stock of New and Used Ice Boxes.

YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD We take your old box as first payment. PACIFIC FURNITURE CO. 2-9228 921 Broadway Phone PRACTICALLY new 600-egg Incubator, $48 1 $800 billiard table. alnew. 8120; electric washing mamost chines, 2 electric stoves, barber chairs at bargain prices.

848 Broadway. Phone 2-2626. Repossessed, entire house of furniture. or all pieces may be bought at balAny ance due BROADWAY FURNITURE CO. 1050 Broadway Phone 3-4418 SEWING MACHINES rented.

repaired, sold, easy torme. White Sewing Mae chine Con 1286 Van Ness. Phone 3-1817. YOU can always do better buying. sell ing or exchanging your furniture at Fink Furniture Co.

Try de and be 2-5718 000 vinced. 950 Broadway Phone -PIECE chesterfield set for sale, rea sonable. 602 St. SANGER MATTRESSES renovated and recovered. Yorks.

Ph. 2-9422. Calif. Upholstering VICTROLA, wagon, Ph. lamps, 2-1269.

plotures, for sale. Clinton. USED turn stoves, very reas. 8-1526 prices. Fresno Salea.

Fulton. Ph. Musical Instruments FOR SALE- Cornet Holten trumpet). lice new. 480 Vassar.

Building Supplies BETTER LUMBER BUYS GOOD HARDWOOD FLOORING BASH FOR ENCLOSING PORCHES SEE THESE SPECIALS AT 1603 FULTON STREET Carlson Wrecking Co. 2063 Anna Opp. CHEAP LUMBER 1x4 to 1x12 $15.00 Maisler Bros, Lumber Co. Phone 3-1271 2244 Railroad Ave. CEDAR 10c to to prices accordingly for any other size or 2011 Ave Wood and Coal 16 A.

OF MUSCAT mine polled out: give away for First houss south of Manning Ave on Hughes. west aide of J. H. Nelson. COAL OAK BLOCKS AND SLABS.

ORY COAL YARD. PHONE MT and per Her, PHONE GRAPE STUMPS sold. 84. per 100, pod. fireplace, heater C.

novel For Sale Miscellaneous Pipe, Belting and Pulleys Best stock cond-hand standard pipe. tittines and stock at teN pipe: Fresno Supply Co. Fulton SODA FRANCISC AMUsem*nTS Automobiles For Sale Open Eves. and Sun. I.

C. OUT GRADE USED CARS) 0 rumble $746 perfect. De Conch Discount perfect trunk and extras. Luxe Sedan; fine $495 Coach; De Super brakes, trunk, extras Brougham: trunk, $995 4-door perfect. 18 MONTHS TO PAY 80-DAY GUARANTEE 1416 Bdwy.

Ph. 3-7343 HERE THEY ARE! $445.00 Dodge Sedan balloon new. Finish car is absolutethis $495.00 -Dodge 18 model M. Sport Coupe, This car throughout. Just and be convinced.

$495.00 1928 Chevrolet Roadster. bumpere, etc. This rumble be told new it. $595.00 the late Ford Tudor equipped with trunk, lighter, heater. dash heat Indicator.

fact this has car New car at extras. car price. $365.00 1927 Model Dodge Sport Tour. This car will new car sery both. in looks and dependability.

1926 Oakland Sport Rdstr, 1922 Hap dependable. good Ford condition Ford Rostr. Ford Coupe: balloons 1923 Chevrolet TE do not yOU listed here in come look over oVer 100 care choose from. one rain comparison tells will BROADWAY AUTO CO. ACROSS FROM STAGE DEPOT 702 FULTON ST.

COR. MONO WATERMAN BROTHERS (Buick Dealers) We have the fineat selection of late model used cars that we have had in many months. We want to see them, drive them- trade car. Terms are according to the lowest rates 01 the General Motors Acceptance Corporation All late model Buicks CATTY new car guarantee and service. 1326 Van Ness Ph.

3-7301 SUNDAY SPECIALS Hupmobile runs 160 Roadster, 1923 Chevrolet very good 1 of good Essex Touring: ones 1923 Dodge Coupe steal 1928 Model Star Touring 560 BROADWAY 1926 Overland 1026 Model Ford 1923 Light Studebaker. 1924 Chevrolet 1921 Chevrolet HARVEY PHONE 2-3230 3402 V-61 6-PASS. Cadillac sedan, paint, good rubber, overhauled; I shaper Washington upholstery St. Bargain action. foo quick 4824 new paint.

-760 model 1986 DODGE pass sedan. 188, world's fastest respect terma be Ilke new; only car prob. present ranged, 2-6574. pt. pymt.

Harrison FOR good used prices SEe MUSTAR DE SOTO 816 FOR QUALITY USED CARS See our liating here and CHILDERS MOTOR CO. 1857 Van Ness Avenue FOR BETTER Logan Auto Co. 1528 Phone Broadway Dealers' Asan.) (Member Motor Car WEBER THOMAS. Inc. Chrysler- -Used Cars 1333 Van Ness Phone 3-5194 (Member.

Motor Dealers' Assn.) DEPENDABLE USED CARS Williams Carr, Inc. 100 VAN NESS PHONE 3-6141 (Member Motor Hudson Essex T. P. Shelton, Inc. 2-9526 USED CARS 2-5101 FRT AND SAT.

COMPLETE Automobiles Wanted WHY LOSE ALL? buy Franzke Phone Broadway. MOST CASH FULTON FOR CARS STREET CASH paid for Pa. 122 HIGHEST used cars and trucks wrecking purposes AUTO WRECKING 560 Broad GET Trucks- Tractors Moreland nearly TRUCK Motorcycles -Bicycles AMBROSE. INCOME FOR G. 1240 HANSEN 917 and 117 soft A tables, SEE ACCOUNTANTS -Income tax consultation AN AUDIT Phone TAX ayatema, Lawrence Mo Phone 2-7516 or 2-9085.

'ADVERTISING SCENIC AND ADVERTISING PHONE 2-0610 AUTO SERVICE CHRYSLER Specialists. Mcclellan. 1010 Fulton. Pa. AUTO WRECKING Auto Wrecking 60 Con used parts: you 10.

15 BOILER REPAIRING FRED GRAHAM Service Welding and Boiler CESSPOOLS CESSPOOLS Creptle Work tanks Cleaned, guar. tanka built, septic rep red: county health rets. DELICATESSEN JORGENSEN Delicatessen Co. dishes. 920 Van Ness.

Phone FURNITURE FOR CARD tables, folding FURNITURE REPAIRING EXPERT FURNITURE REPAIR yeara want some more rep. retin. high grade French pouching. antique work. GARDENING HEAVY mats dead grass from lawns by power machine, ft.

Call beE. 8 A. GRAPE STUMP PULLING GRAPEVINE pulling Walter Central and Temperance. HAT RENOVATING FRESNO tHat Factory. Expert for men sad women.


paperhangera rooters hour or contract. PAINTING, PAPER BEST painter and I resno 814. N. FAFERHANGING And painting very reasonable. PATENT ATTORNEYS C.

HUEBNER, attorney at domestic and foreign 608 Mason Bide. reano, PERCY WEBS 4 Savines BIdE. STOCKTON, Calif organization. Send for tree PIANO TUNING GUAR. piano tuning by Birdman.2520 Tulare.

PLASTERING FOR RELIABLE plastering Scheldt. Phone 2-9164. RADIO REPAIRING EXPERT radio repairing. Billings Radio Phone STORAGE EAGLE TRANSFER St. Phone VETERINARY FRESNO VET.

HOSP. Ph. Murdock, WELDING Portable, electrio and GILBERT ALLEN Pb. 2-9826 250 Bdwy. Bdwy.

KERMAN TALLOW WORKS KERMAN Tallow Werke: moved Phone CALL 3-5221 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE BEE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED We Solve Your Building Problems 1x8 to 1x10 $17.50 Star-A-Star extra cedar shingles $4.75 Dolan's Paint $1.50 per Gal. Napara Rugs, 9x12 Doors $2.50 Investigate Dolan's Three-Room Complete Bungalow $219.50 Come Meet Mr. Mr. Money Saver Money Saver! SAYS: Your Money Goes Farther at the 3 DOLAN COMPANY A. P.

DRON, Mgr. We Are Optimistic for the Future of We Hurry! Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley "The Place to Save Money on Building Materials" 104 Van Ness Avenue Phone 3-2511 pool Modae TY clear fountain -2-9734 audite. carline 102 Apply places, bath, DIVIRADERO. BLACKSTONE BROADWAY EWING Merced Coach. Tourine: OUTDOOR head Phone INCOME $1.045 Coach: Cary end close 1.81.026 cabins.

literature 8-4438. Phone new and per cont. day seat. on location GROCERY perfect Sedan; Shop 3-1797 Cabriolet. Ph.

250 De Send Fixtures Inforination. Mayflower Broadway, place. dairy bullf. 3-4807. drained 4-1069.

for Roadster Hooding reas. CATERERS We rest Essex RENT puly 166 Phone and wheel chairs shape. really Touring Ave. 00 SHOP work in Diane 2-6772 brood den, 2-6517 removed 1 cent 6 P. M.

Abby Street. Briacon, Pa. 22-7-7. $29.50. renovator Bdwy.

Tuolumne. garage. any kind: 3-8660 evea batha, week Ph. 8-4121. Ph.

MASSAGE APTS. over by Phone 3-2412 licensed. and Ph. HANGING paperhanger Phone rollable: law, trade and Loa Long estate books on palm factory expert. Ph.

2-7482. call Ed reas, rates, 7 168-3-1. draymen and 7 SURGEON Drs. 1219 Belmont acetylene Res 3-3038 stock ram KERMAN. A AD no DISPLAY Dogs fertile able, and FOR SALE Co.

EGGs baby good milch house inston 100. ISLAND Ph..

The Fresno Bee from Fresno, California (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.