Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

I I I I Record -Monday, Sept. 20, 1954 35 EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES Crane Crown Cork. Crown Zellerbach. Curtiss-Wright 123 Douglas Du Pont. 139 Eastern Air Eastman El.

Auto General Flintkote. General General Foods 73 General Motors General Tire Goodrich. Goodyear Great N. 30 Greyhound. Guit-States Utilities Interntl 32 Interntl Nickel Interntl Paper Interntl Tel 22 Johns-Manville.

Jones Kennecott Lehman Glass 58 Libby, McN. Lockheed Loew's, Inc. Lone Star 45 Martin (G. 285 McKesson Montgomery Ward. Natl.

Biscuit. 41 Natl. Cash Register. Natl. Dairy Natl.

Distillers. Natl. Gypsum. Natl. Lead 54 Natl.

Linen Supply. Natl. Natomas. New York 20. N.

Amer. N. Amer. Northern Ohio Pacific Gas Pacific Lighting. Packard Pan Amer.

Airways Paramount Pictures Parke-Davis. 33 Penney (J. Pennsylvania R.R.. Pepsi-Cola. Phelps Dodge.

Philip 40 Phillips Plymouth Oil Procter Gamble Pullman. 56 Pure Oil. 63 Radio Rayonier Republic 63 Rexall Drug. Reynolds Tob. 38 Rheem Mfg 34 Richfield Oil.

56 RKO Pictures. RKO Theaters. Safeway Stores. Schenley Industries. Sears, Shell Oil.

Sinclair Oil Socony- Vacuum. 49 S. Calif. Edison. Southern Pacific.

45 Southern Sperry, Standard Brands. 35 Stand. 4 pid. 14 Standard Oil Standard Oil 83 Standard Oil N.J..... Sunray Oil.

Texas Tide Water Asctd. 22 Trans-World Transamerica Union Carb 82 Union Oil of Union Pacific .133 United Air Lines. United United Union Gas S. Pipe U. S.

U.S. Steel Warner Bros. Western Union 56 Westinghouse Air Westinghouse Woolworth Youngstown Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Sept. 20 (UP) Grain range: WHEAT- Open September December March May July .2.08 CORNSeptember December March .1.57 May .1.59 July OATSSeptember December March May RYESeptember December March May SOY BEANS September .2.77 November .2.65 January March 2.70¼ May July .2.72 High Low Close 2.16⅛ 2.15⅛ 2.16⅛ 2.19⅝ 2.18⅝ 2.19⅛ 2.22⅝ 2.21¼ 2.21¼ 2.19⅝ 2.18¼ 2.18⅜ 2.08 2.07 2.07 1.62⅛ 1.59¾ 1.60½ 1.53¾ 1.52⅛ 1.52⅜ 1.57¼ 1.55⅞ 1.56¼ 1.59⅜ 1.57¾ 1.58⅛ 1.59¾ 1.58 1.58⅛ .78 .78 .79 .77 1.49¾ 1.46¼ 1.46½ 1.50¾ 1.46¼ 1.46¾ 1.53½ 1.49 1.49¼ 1.54¼ 1.49½ 1.50 2.84⅛ 2.75½ 2.84 2.67½ 2.64 2.66½ 2.70½ 2.67½ 2.69½ 2.72¾ 2.69 2.71¾ 2.73¾ 2.71 2.73 2.73½ 2.71½ 2.73 Vital Statistics Births IN SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Gorospe, Bloy, Rt. 2, 82, Tracy, Sept.

7, a daughter. Billingsly, Willie James, 2831 E. Lafayette, Stockton, Sept. 2, a son. South Byrd, Norman English, 2960 Stockton, Sept.

5, twin sons. Nicholson, Alvin Murell, P. O. Box 703, Lodi, Sept. 5, a daughter.

French, Autie, 1923 Michael, Stockton, Sept. 6, a son. Caldeira, John, P. O. Box 916, Rio Vista, Sept.

6, a daughter. Alonzo, Pete Jiminez, 467 W. 6th, Felix, Stockton, Edward Sept. John, 6, a 2246 S. Madison, daughter.

Stockton, Sept. 7, a son. Hall, Waymond Nathaniel, 3221 E. Alonzo, Robert 2631 E. Main, StockMyrtle, Stockton, Sept.

7, a daughter. Sept. 4, a daughter. Baer, Ernest, 1268 Sunnyside, Stockton, Sept. 1, a daughter.

Gulick, Eugene Dorman, 2955 Christine, Stockton, Sept. 5, a daughter. Janis, Edward, 644 E. North, Manteca, Sept. 4, 'a son.

Oliver, Charles William, 331 N. American, Stockton, Sept. 4, a son. Smalley, Edwin Arthur, 848 E. First, Stockton, Sept.

4, a son. Sutherland, Loren Clifton, 2205 Bristol, Stockton, Sept. 1, a daughter. Pillsbury, Floyd Carol, 844 N. Buena Vista, Stockton, Sept.

1. a daughter. Schaeffer. Donald Thomas, 1949 Rutledge Way, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son.

Smith, Robert Edson, 2 W. Pine, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son. Tapp, Bobby, 1459 W. Hazelton, Stockton, Sept.

2, a daughter. Willis, Clifford, Elmer, 138 N. Garfield, Manteca, Sept. 6, a son. Parks, John Marshal, 1465 Frisbee, Stockton, Sept.

7, a son. Fields, Everett John, 4737 Garibaldi, Stockton, Sept. 6, a son. Ludwig, Eugene Charles, 1448 N. Commerce, Stockton, Sept.

7, a son. Felix, Lewis Charles, 2441 E. Sonora, Stockton, 8, a son. Foster, Wallace, 4935 E. Weber, Stockton, Sept.

a son. Townsend, Guy, S. Lincoln, Stockton, Sept. 4, a daughter. Halstead, Leon Lloyd, Rt.

1, Box 171, Acampo, Sept. 4, a son. Small, Douglas Moore, 2227 E. Euclid, Stockton, Sept. 4, a daughter.

Reyes, Luther Chavez, 115 S. Fresno, Stockton. Sept. 5, a son. Hull, Earl, P.

O. Box 128, Linden, Sept. 1, a son. Diaz, John, P. O.

Box 88, Lathrop, a son. Billberry, Jorden Ellis, son. 3060 Volney, Stockton, Sept. 1, a Lawrence, Sammie Leon, 4624 Virgil, Stockton, Sept. 3, a son.

Bryant, Everett Maynard, 44 W. Delhi, Stockton, Aug. 18, S. daughter. Deaton, Orville, 454 Wagner, Stockton, Aug.

20, a son. Dunn, Donald Reese, 3315 Farmington Stockton, Aug. 23, a son. Jordan, Jerry David, 1531 Sargent, Stockton, Aug. 22, a 5052 son.

E. Marsh, Stockton, Aug. 25, a Keathley, Arlin Leo, son. Long, Courtland Aug. Broughton, 23.

1811 daughter. Michigan, Stockton, a Moran, Frank Edgar, 15, 180 E. Ingram, Stockton, June a Wilson, daughter. 545 W. Oak, Newton III, Rude Richards, Stockton, Clark Alfred, 13,, 2346 E.

Aug. a son. Acacia, Aug. 14, son. Aug.

Darell 23, a 3725 E. Miner, Savage, Robert Frank, 821 W. Oak, Stockton, son. Stockton, Aug. 23, a Box laughter.

682, ManStiles, Billy Burch, P. O. teca, Aug. 24, a daughter. Summers, James Frances, 20, 233 son.

N. Sherman, Manteca, Aug. a Sudderth, Marvin Joe, 9329 Ada, Stockton, Aug. 20, a daughter. Thorn, Gerald Allen, a 3626 E.

Marsh, Stockton, Aug. 14, daughter. Tollini, Mark Harry, 2405 Del Rio Drive, Stockton, Aug. 2425 23. a Short, son.

Porterville, Aug. 17, a Ashton, Rupert Earl, son. Astronomo, Telesforo 238 E. daughter. Market, Beckwith.

Wade Carlyle. 1504 W. MonStockton, Aug. 18, a terey, Stockton, Aug. 21.

104 a E. daughter. Atlee, Boyden, Ben Morgan, Stockton. Aug. 21, a 2439 daughter, De.

Ovan, Burket, William Calvin, Stockton, Aug. 20, a son. 2471 E. HardHockett, Donald Robert. ing.

Stockton, Aug. 22, a Scotts, son. StockMedina, 2438 E. ton, Murphy, William Perry Lewis, 3540 Aug. 22.

a daughter. Coronado. Stockton. Aug. 22, W.

a son. Smith, John Aldon. 2119 Euclid, Van Stockton. De Pol. Aug.

Martin. a 2760 Robindale, 24, daughter. Stockton, Aug. 26. a son.

Wheeling, William Ford, 5524 E. Dana, Stockton. Aug. 22. a son.

Young, George, 1739 S. San Joaquin, Stockton. Aug. 17, a son. Durham, Lloyd, Rt.

4. Box 114. Stockton. Aug. 17, a daughter.

Reiswig, Clarence Otto, Rt. 3, Box 112, Lodi. Aug. 18. a son.

Meneses, Jimmy Montano, P. O. Box Harold, Frank and Ethyl King, all Auction Raises Children Nearly $700 was raised yesterfor crippled children by the day Stockton Active Club at a public auction which drew several hundred buyers and lasted seven hours. The sale was held at the Auction Yard in southwest Stockton, where owners Robert and Opal DeVolld joined with two er auctioneers in contributing their services and facilities to the project, Proceeds will be used the service club to aid children the Munford School for the Orthopedicatibutors Handicapped of the most-soughtafter items were Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Soares of Manteca, fruits who and nated a truckload of vegetables and a registered Holstein bull calf. Other large volunteer offerings came from Stockton stores and householders. The directors meet tomor-4 row night at 8 o'clock in the home of Dr. John Blinn first vicepresident, review the auction. President Vincent Vandre pressed the club's appreciation county residents for their support of the annual sale.

(Continued Teachers Voice Views on Books From Page 1, Sec. 2) any way, a reflection of the Marin book dispute." The study of procedures in the selection of texts and books was undertaken by a Public Advisory Panel, appointed by CTA Mrs. Sarah Carter, Eureka teacher, chairman; Paul R. BartFresno radio station operator; Glenn E. Carter, assistant vicepresident of the Bank of America, Los Angeles; Dr.

Herbert Clish, San Francisco superintendent of schools; Stuart Dufour, Salinas school administrator; Harry Frishman, supervisor school publications, Long Beach, and Roy Rosenberg, Sacramento publisher. President Robert Gillingham of Compton City College, PANEL MEMBERS Its members are: Librarians Sidestep Marin Controversy (Continued From Page 1, Sec. 2) letter, containing excerpts from another she- to Dr. Herbert Clish, San Francisco superintendent of schools, on the procedure used there in selecting books for school libraries. "It is my belief," she said, "that the selection of books for school libraries must rest in the hands of those, people who know the course study, the methods of teaching and the ability of the children in the school in which the are to be used.

PUBLIC INTERESTED "In San Francisco we place who read the current books ofresponsibility upon the librarians fered for review and the teachers of the specialized fields who judge books in terms of the needs and practices in the individual classes." Miss Girdner said about 25 perhave written her office insons about the selection of quiring books for schools. Mrs. Thompson said the books of the Tamalpais district are selected by school faculty members and librarians. The state association's fall meeting will be held November 20 and in Fresno. The association's northern section will meet October 30 in Modesto with Mrs.

Mildred Campbell, Downey High School librarian, in charge of arrangements. LOCAL MEMBERS Local members of the council who attended the meeting were High School, Miss Nan Sykes of Mrs. Esther Lipsey of Stockton Edison High School and Miss Elsie Gates of Franklin High School. Attending as guests of the council were Miss Alice Thym, president of the Stockton Librarians Association, Miss Salina Harrison San Joaquin County Liand Miss Fern Rommel, Stockton High School librarian. Dr.

Harlan Reyburn, representing the Stockton Unified School District, welcomed the council members. Although Central Falls in Rhode 1 has 23,000 people in mile, the state also has a square township of 49 square miles with only 700 people. Today's Best Should Be Tomorrow's Starting Point For the Best in Printing Depend on Hansen-Carter Printing Co. California St. at Weber Phone HO 4-4766 Lawyer Urges Fee Limit in Suits should be even more obvious." 'ERRONEOUS (Continued From Page 1, Sec.

2) probate and compensation cases to protect such clients from exorbitant fees by statutory Mayall pointed out. "The reasons for such regulation in the case of personal injury and death claims per cent of anything beyond. DELEGATES to be under the "erroneous belief" that lawyers always charge per cent of everything recov-1 tered in death and injury cases, and he said that the proposed law would improve relations between the legal profession and the public "by eliminating what to them constitutes an unconscionable rate of return." proposed law would limit fees death and injury cases to Then 40 per cent of the first. $5000, 35 per cent of the next $40,000, 20 per cent $10,000, 25 per cent of the next $80,000, and Special provisions are made for compensation for extraordinary services, and the client would have to be provided with an itemized and verified of all costs. Mayall, Assistant District Attorney Bradford M.

Crittenden, Laurence Drivon, and Norman C. Sullivan are delegates to the State Bar convention from the San Joaquin County Bar Association. Judge Bill Dozier will attend a concurrent conference. The proposed legislation was approved principle, Mayall reported, in 1953 by the board of governors of the San Joaquin County Bar Association. Peanut Selling to Aid Youth Funds Peanuts will be sold Thursday evening on downtown streets and Friday and Saturday from house to house in a drive for boys' and girls' programs sponsored by the four Kiwanis clubs of the city.

The selling will be done by children from groups benefited and by club members. sponsoring clubs are the Downtown, Greater Stockton and North Stockton Kiwanis clubs and the Kiwanis Club of East Stockton. Last year about $2000 was netted from the sale by the Downtown club alone. Among the organizations benefited were the Boy, Girl, and Sea Scouts, the Key Club, Camp Fire Girls, the YMCA, and the 4-H Club. Contributions also were made to the Kiwanis Kientz Ranch at Camanche, where high school students conduct projects; to boys' and girls' camps, and for Christmas baskets.

Beneficiaries of the East Side Club's program included the Franklin High School Band, Key Club, and Honor Society, and the Boy Scouts. Vegetables (Federal-State Market News Service) STOCKTON VEGETABLE MARKET: Carlot Shipments for Septmber 17: GRAPES, TABLE Northern California 82, Central California 63 freight, 2 express; total 145 freight 2 express. GRAPES, BLACK JUICE -Northern California 25. Central California 16, Southern California 13; total 54. GRAPES, WHITE JUICE Central California 5.

POTATOES-Northern California 18, Central California 23, Colorado 39, Idaho 69, Maine 2, Minnesota 46, Nevada 4, North Dakota 69, Oregon 9. Washington 75, Wisconsin 38, Wyoming 13: 405. TOMATO Northern freight, 1 California 3, Central California 44 express; Southern California total 54 freight 1 express. Carlot Shipments for September 18: GRAPES, TABLE--Northern California 29 (incomplete), Central California 67 freight, 2 express; total 96 freight, 2 express. California 11 (incomplete), Central GRAPES, BLACK JUICE--Northern California, 17, Southern California 12; total 38.

GRAPES, WHITE JUICE Central California 6. POTATOES -Northern California 5, Central California 18, Colorado 21, Delaware 1, Idaho 62, Maine York and North OreDakota unreported, New 4, gon 7, Utah 6, Washington 52 (incomplete), Wisconsin 1 (incomplete); total 177. TOMATOES -Northern California 5, Central California 37 (incomplete), Southern California 2, Utah total 45. Carlot Shipments for September 19: GRAPES, TABLE Northern California 18, Central California 20 freight, 1 express: total 38 freight, 1 -Northern California 3. Central California GRAPES, BLACK JUICE 11, Southern California total 17.

GRAPES. WHITE JUICE Central California 1. POTATOES Nebraska 1, Utah 3, Washington total 6. 4, TOMATOES- Northern California Central California total 9. Shipping Point Information for Friday, September 17: GRAPES Lodi District Tokays-Demand fair.

Market steady. Sales f.o.b. shipping 28-lb. lugs, US1 min. color, max.

point, grade defects, $1.75, occasional higher. extra. POTATOESYakima, min. max. Yakima Valley, 'Moses Lake District- moderate.

Demand Market firm. Sales f.o.b. shipping point. Russets washed, 100-lb. sacks US Extra No.

1, USIA, 50-lb. sacks 50 cents. Gilerest District, Colo. min. max.

Demand light. Market point. 100-lb. sacks Round Reds washed slightly weaker. Sales f.o.b shipping USIA.

2.65; US2A. few sales, mostly few low as Russets USIA washed, mostly US2A, few TOMATOESNorthern San Joaquin and Southern Sacramento Valleys--Demand moderate for 6x6's and larger, guod for and smaller. Market about steady, sales 1.0.b. shipping point. Green, 85 per cent or more US1, lugs, wrapped 6x6 and larger, few few 6x7.

mostly $2.40 2.50; 7x7, few low as $2. Bulk per lb. plus containers 6x6 size and larger, cents: some best 7 cents: 6x7 sizes, cents; some best cents. Most shipments waxing 5 cents extra. Rochester, N.

min, max. Western and Central California points. Offerings limited account wet fields. Demand moderate. Market steady.

Sales f.o.b. shipping point, sales f.o.b. delivered basis. Very sales. 60-1b.

crates green unwrapped, US1 $2.35 6x6 2.50. and larger, Sales on Today's Wholesale Terminal Markets (street sales to retailers in lel quantities): TOMATOES: Kansas City- Slightly weaker. Original California 20-lb. lugs, stems, plain $3. St.

Louis, Track 7-Arrived: California 3. Market about steady. California lugs, green, ripe and turning, wrapped Weather STOCKTON TEMPERATURES S. Saturday's high, 84; low, 51. Yesterday's high, 86; low, 48.

morning's low, 49. TEMPERATURES By the Associated Press High Low Prep. Albuquerque 61 Atlanta 75 Bakersfield 3881 58 61 .18 85 85 Denver Detroit 80 El Centro. .106 Fort 99 Helena 65 dio-Thermal 100 64 Kansas 95 Las 97 58 Los 90 Memphis 97 Miami 83 .04 Minneapolis 69 49 New Orleans. 91 72 68 .16 Oakland Airport.

83 53 Oklahoma 98 78 Phoenix 98 Portland, Ore. 68 Rapid City. 81 50 Red 89 54 Reno 83 87 33 52 Sacramento Salt Lake City. 79 38 San Francisco. 76 57 Seattle 64 56 Trace Spokane 65 44 Washington, D.

88 SUN AND MOON (PST) Sun rises, Sept. 18-22, 5:49 a. m. Sun sets, Sept. 18-22, 6:09 p.

m. Moon rises, Sept. 21, 12:35 a. m. Moon sets, Sept.

21, 3:14 p. m. TIDES (PST) Tuesday, Sept. 21-High, 12:23 a. low, 8:42 a.

high, 2:46 p. FORECAST By United Press San Francisco Bay Region--Fair today, tonight and Tuesday; continued warm: low humidity. High today: San Francisco 78, Oakland 85, San Mateo 85, San Rafael 85; low tonight, 50-57: west winds 8-15 miles per hour in afternoons. Northern California -Fair with very low humidity today, tonight and Tuesday; local morning fog coast: rising temperatures inland; northwest winds 8-16 miles per hour near coast, locally 20 miles per hour in afternoon. Sierra Nevada--Fair with very low humidity today, tonight and Tuesday; rising temperatures.

Lower Sacramento and Northern San Joaquin Valleys--Fair tonight and tomorrow. Little change in temperature. High near 90, low tonight 54. Light variable winds, becoming gentle southerly and westerly plate tomorrow. Sierra Nevada tonight and tomorrow.

Little change in temperature. Salinas Valley--Fair with low humidity today, tonight and Tuesday; continued warm; high both days, 88-98; tonight. 46-54; gentle variable winds: high today and low tonight at Salinas, 84-50; Paso Robles 96-49. Santa Clara Valley--Fair with very low humidity slightly today, warmer tonight today: and Tues- both day; high days, 84-94; low tonight, 47-54; gentle variable winds. Livermore Valley--Fair with very low humidity today, tonight and Tuesday; slightly today; light winds.

Monterey Bay Area-Fair with low today, tonight and Tuesday; slightly warmer today; high both days, 70-80; low tonight. 47-54; light winds. Southern -Mostly clear today, tonight and Tuesday but night and early morning fog along coast and variable high thin cloudiness at times. Little change in temperatures. High fire danger mountains and foothills.

Coastal and Intermediate ValleysMostly clear today. tonight and Tuesday but some variable high thin cloudiness at times. Little change in temperatures. Low humidity with high fire danger. Interior and Desert Regions Mostly clear today, tonight and Tuesday but some variable high thin cloudiness.

Little change in temperatures. High today: 90 to 98 upper valleys, 97 to 107 lower valleys. Local Livestock Market News Service) STOCKTON LIVESTOCK MARKET, Monday. Sept. 20: CATTLE- Salable, 1600.

Largely a grass cattle run, nearly two-thirds of opening rather slow, early sales on all supply stockers and feeders. Market classes around steady with late last week. Load low good 1000-lb. clover commer- pastured steers, 521; few other cial steers, $18 to' $20. Few utility and commercial heifers, $14 to $17.

Utility and commercial cows. $10.50 to loads canners good and choice 700 to 850-lb. and cutters, $8 to $10. stocker and feeder steers and yearlings, $18.50 to $20. CALVES Salable, 400.

Opening tive, slaughter calves strong to 50 higher than late last week, stocker calves around steady. good and choice 300 to 500-lb. slaughter calves, $17.50 to $19; few choice vealers to $20. Several lots good and choice stocker steer calves, $19 to mostly $20; part load $20.50. -Salable, 400.

Market not established early on slaughter classes. Late last week, choice 180 to 235-lb. butchers, $22; choice sows, $11 to $14. Few on feeder pigs around steady, $28 to $30 for good and choice 50 to 90-lb. averages, only few around 50 lbs.

at latter price. SHEEP-Salable, 1000. Market not fully established early, early sales on slaughter classes around steady. Few lots good to mostly choice shorn spring slaughter lambs with No. 1 pelts.

$17.50, few utility slaughter ewes, $3.50 to $4.50. No early action on liberal supply of feeder lambs. Shipping Schedule SAILED MONDAY. night. SEPT.

Charles 20 E. Dant (States Line), with 1400 tons of Army cargo for the Far East. and Flying Independent (Isbrandtsen), with 500 tons of general cargo for Puerto Rico. ARRIVED George Luckenbach (Luckenbach), to load 3000 tons of intercostal cargo; today. Monterey (States Marine), to load 500 tons of general cargo for Gulf ports.

DUE Wednesday, Flying Arrow (Isbrandtsen), to load 600 tons of general cargo for Puerto Rico; President Van Buren (American President), to load 4000 tons of barley for Japan. Grape Prices LODI, Sept. 20-No grape market figures available. Federal-State Market News Service closed over the week end. According to the Tokay Marketing Agreement: Shipments from Lodi on Saturday were 106,221 packages or 96.1 carload equivalents by both rail and truck.

No shipments on Sunday. Billings Saturday were 52 cars Tokays and 23 cars juice: for Sunday 18 cars Tokays and four cars juice. Cars spotted in- Lodi yesterday were four Tokays and four juice; spotted today are 78 Tokays and 27 juice. S. F.

Poultry Dressed poultry wholesale prices: Broilers. friers, roasters, lbs. and over, hens. light type, all weights. hens, neavy type, all weights.

old roosters, ducks, young hen turkeys, young tom turkeys, squabs. rabbits. 6x6 and larger, 8' per cent or more, US1 US2 $3. Dallas, Track 3 -Arrived 0, truck California Market slightly weaker. Repacks California 2-layer lugs, 3.25: fair quality low as $2.25: 3-layer lugs, fair quality, Cartons tubes 4's, cents: fair quality, cents.

POTATOES Dallas, Track 18-Arrived: Callfornia Idaho 12, North Dakota 1, Oregon 6. Washington 4, truck Colorado 8. Market slightly weaker. California Russets USIA heavy large, Idaho and Washington Russets US1. US2A, Bakers, Stockton (Calif.) -N.

Y. STOCK Am. Car Found. Air Reduction Alaska Juneau. 3 Alleghany L.

Allied 963 Allied Stores. Allis-Chalmers. American Amer. Bank American Can Amer. Locomotive Am.

Pot. American Radiator. Amer. American Radiator, Smelting. pfd.

Amer. Tel Tel American Tobacco. American 3537 American Anaconda 41 Armco. Armour. Atchison.

Atlantic Avco 6 Baltimore Bendix Aviation. Bethlehem Steel Boeing Borden Borg- 91 Briggs Mfg. Bullard 44 Burroughs Calif. Packing. Canada Dry Canadian Case Caterpillar Tractor.

Celanese. Chesapeake Ohio. Ch. M. SP Chicago Chrysler.

Cincinnati Cleveland El. 63 Columbia Brd. Columbia 15 Comer. Commer. 20 Comwith Cons.

Edison. Container Continental Continental Corn Products Dow- -Jones NEW YORK, Sept, 20 (INS)-Range of Dow-Jones stock averages: Open High Low Close Chng. 30 Inds. 355.51 357.32 353.11 353.48 20 Rails. 116.31 116.62 115.08 115.54 15 Utils.

61.29 61.52 61.03 61.29 Unch. 65 Steks 131.15 131.69 130.19 130.51 Transactions in stocks used in averages: Today Friday Thursday Industrials .179,800 188,700 164,100 Railroads 68,300 60,900 71,800 Utilities 40,800 35.400 34,200 65 .288,900 285,000 270,100 Total stock sales, 2,060,000 shares. S. F. STOCKS SAN FRANCISCO, Sept.

20 (AP)Below are listed San Francisco stocks in which there was trading up to 11 a. m. today: MONDAY, SEPT. 20 Admiral Corp. 42 Allis-Chalmers 64 American American American Radiator.

American Tel. Blair Holdings. Broadway-Hale 14 California Ink. 20 California Packing. Central Eureka Corp.

.68 Chicago, Milwaukee St. Colorado Fuel Columbia Gas. 15 Dow Chemical. 41 El Dorado Emporium-Capwell 50 Federated General 69 General General Hawaiian Pineapple. 13 Holly Development.

1.00 Libby, McNeill Libby Menasco Magnavox Mindanao .04 Oil. .65 Montgomery National Automotive National Distillers. 21 North American Oahu Sugar. 15 Oceanic Pabco Products. Pacific Gas Gas Elecrtic, pid.

37 Pacific Pacific Tel. Packard Motor. 21 Palmer-Stendel Oil. .25 Pennsylvania RR. Philippine Long Distance.

Puget Sound Pulp. Raytheon Reynolds Tobacco 38 and Foods. Riverside Son Diego Gas Electric, 4.40%.. 21 San Mauricio Mining. .06 Shasta Socony-Vacuum Southern Pacific.

453 Standard Oil of California. Sylvania Electric Products. 38 Tide Water Associated Transamerica Union Oil of United Airlines. United States Rubber. United States Westates Petroleum, Woolworth Butter and Eggs STOCKTON-As quoted by the Poultry Producers of Central California: EGGS--Large AA, carton 60c, bulk 57c; extra large carton 61c.

bulk 58c: large carton 52c, bulk 49c: medium carton 39c, bulk 36c; small grade carton 24c, bulk 21c. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20 (UP)EGGS-Large medium Dairy market: small BUTTER-Grade AA 93 score, grade A 92 score, grade 90 score, 57c. CHEESE Grade A loaf, 39 43c; grade A single daisies. Poultry Producers Large AA, 57c: large 49c; medium 36c; small 21c.

Western Dairy-Large AA. 57c: large 49c; medium 36c; small 21c. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 20 (UP) Dairy market: EGGS -Wholesale uncandled producer graded for size 40 per cent AA large, medium, small, 21c: grade wholesale large. Candled eggs to retailers for distributors' plant, delivered one cent higher, AA cartons three 'cents higher- Grade extra large.

54 56c; large, medium. grade A extra large, 48 50c: large. 42 43c; medium, small, grade large, Prices to consumers in cartonsGrade AA large, grade A large. medium, small, LIVE POULTRY Broilers. friers, all weights, roasters over 29 friers, caponets.

roasters, caponets, triers, all hens. light type, all weights, hens. cross. Ibs. and up, hens, heavy type, all weights, turkeys, young hens, 27 28c; turkeys, young toms.

rabbits, white friers, miscellaneous lots, commercial, BUTTER- Jobbing prices in cartons -Grade AA. grade A. 64c; grade B. S. F.

Hay and Grain SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 20 (UP)Hay and grain bulk prices No. 2 bright western barley, 2.671: No. 1 bright western mariout, medium malting type, $2.75 2.80: good malting type.

2.90: choice malting type, $2.80 2.90. No. 1 hard white wheat. 3.90: soft white wheat. $3.85 3.87½: No.

2 yellow corn. No. i eyllow milo, 2.70. California red feed oats. $2.60 2.70.

Choice alfalfa, $27028 normal: No. 1 dairy, No. 2 dairy, 512. Thornton, Aug. 19, a son.

Somoza, Humberto Fernandez, P. O. Box 645, Isleton, Aug. 22, a daughter. Rieger, Waldemar 304 E.

Tokay, Lodi, Aug. 24, a daughter. Sanchez, Luis, Rt. 3, Box 162, Lodi, Aug. 24, a son.

Wong, John 1548 Lucerne, Stockton, Aug. 24, a son. Vasquez, Robert Rt. 4, Box 456, Stockton, Aug. 22, a son.

Shelton, Kenneth, Rt. 1, Box 394-B, Manteca, Aug. 24. a son. Vaca, John 627 S.

Lincoln, Stockton, Aug. 26, a daughter. Thomas Levie, 27 N. Windsor, Stockton, Aug. 24, a son.

Morales, Joe Angel, 636 E. Taylor, Stockton, Aug. 25, a daughter. Spooner, Fred Kail, 1712 S. Church, Lodi, Aug.

20, a daughter. Isozaki, Kiyoshi Rub, 1754 S. Grant, Stockton, Aug. 22, a daughter. 32 Wellborn, Ralph James, 3907 E.

Fremont, Stockton, Aug. 29, a son. Aultz, Robert. P. O.

Box 275, Lathrop, Aug. 30, a daughter. Goodwin, Jesse Lee, 3426 Belleview, Stockton, Aug. 31, a daughter. Downard, Walter Kenneth, 1140 E.

Miner, Stockton, 31, a son. Bolden Robert Tucker, 512 S. Los Angeles, Stockton, Aug. 30, a daughter. Aceves, Louis, Rt.

5, Box 431, Stockton, Aug. 31, a son. Magnuson, Edward James. 324 Mosswood, Stockton, Aug. 31, a son.

Martinez, Amador 2731 E. Sonora, Stockton, Aug. 29, a daughter. Moreno, Luz, 3019 E. Washington, Stockton, Aug.

29, a daughter. Gallegos, Henry, 1957 S. Grant, Stockton, Aug. a son. Ellis, Charles Clifton, 114 S.

Madison, Stockton, Aug. 31, a daughter. Kackley, Bertie Norman, P. O. Box 125, Woodbridge, Aug.

28, a daughter. Jones, Raymond Larkin, General Delivery, Riverbank, Aug. 21, a daughter. Kennedy, Henry Benton, P. O.

Box 481, Oakdale, Aug. 10, a son. Gordon, Glenn Henry, P. O. Box 772, Riverbank, Aug.

24, a son. Becerra Fernando, Rt. Box 416, Manteca, Aug. 25, a son. Eisner, Oscar, 123 E.

North, Manteca, Aug. 31, a son. Burri Fred, Rt. 1, Box 149, Ripon, Aug. 27, a son.

Garcia, Frank Ernest, 61 E. 1st, Tracy, Aug. 23, a son. Davis, J. P.

O. Box 794, Escalon, Aug. 31, a son. Vigil, Nick 1502 E. 11th, Stockton, Aug.

29. a son. Killmer, cino, John Stockton, Howard, Aug. 31, 3539 a W. son.

Brazil, John Louis, 2463 E. Finland, Stockton, Aug. 21, a son. Parenti, Steve, 2525 McKinley, Stockton, Aug. 28, a son.

Garcia, Dolores, Rt. 1, Box 531, Tracy, Aug. 30, a daughter. Arnaudo, Steven John, 1221 Wilson, Tracy, Aug. 28, a son.

Enyeart, Raymond Richard, 334 E. Lowell, Tracy, Aug. 24, a daughter, Fox, William Jordan, 1717 Deborah, Tracy, Aug. 12, a daughter. Bogetti, George Anthony, Rt.

2, Box 254, Tracy, Aug. 15, a daughter. Sherwood, Frank Miles, 140 W. Beverly, Tracy, Aug. 28, a daughter.

Snider, Clarence Earl, 1908 Deborah, Tracy, Aug. 30, a daughter. Duncan, Frank Lee, 807 Trinity, Manteca, Aug. 27, a son. Neckels, Kenneth, Rt.

1, Box 187, Manteca, Aug. 22, a son. Zuehlke, William Herman, 1617 El Camino, Stockton, Aug. 10, a son. Shipman, Basil Gerald, 2121 North F.

Stockton, Aug. 30, a daughter. Prevo, Randall 1720 N. Sycamore, Stockton, Aug. 27, a daughter.

Holmberg, Ray, 1010 S. Netherton, Stockton, Aug. 25, a son. Drullard, Peter Frank, Rt. 1, Box 120, Linden, Aug.

23, a daughter. Ferrari, George, Rt. Box 99-A, Linden, Aug. 24, a daughter. Galindo, Frank Leonard, 354 S.

Adelbert, Stockton, Aug. 30, son. Cortese, Nicholas, 839 Marion, Manteca, 27, a son. Camarena, Leon Anacito, 18 E. Mag- nolia, Stockton, Aug.

26, a daughter. Boco, George, 1311 E. Sonora, Stockton, Aug. 29, a son. Moore, Bobby Gene, 2342 S.

Monroe, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son. Ofril, Benjamin Riel, Rt. 1, Box 1545, Lathrop, Sept. 1, a son.

Webb, John Upton, 510 S. Olive, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son. Asher, Cleo Eugene, 3535 Adelbert, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son.

Fernandez, Raymundo, 1553 E. 8th, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son. Lereh, Donald Leroi, 427 E. Acacia, Stockton, Sept.

1, a daughter. Gonzales, Tony Perez, 1648 Gilchrist, Stockton, Sept. 2, a son. Anderson. Jimmie Everett, 323 W.

8th, Stockton, Sept. 1, a son. Baca, Ramond Muzio, 1735 Hiawatha, Stockton, Sept. 4, a son. E.

Rapisura, Leon 228 8th, Stockton, Sept. 3, a son. Williams, La Vern Delbert, 838 S. Olive, Stockton, Sept. son.

Man coup I IN STOCKTON Zunino-Jones-Sept. 3, Robert Zunino, 24, and Paula Jones, 22, both of Stockton. Miniaci-Baker-Sept. 3, John M. Miniaci, 28.

Dorothy E. Baker, 36, both of Stockton. -Sept. 3. Jaconto Cruz, 24, Stockton, and Marie E.

Thomas, 21, Lathrop. Lucious-Lauders-Sept. 3, Lucious, 25. and Jean L. Lauders, 18, both of Stockton.

Agiunid-Bucariza Sept. 3, Alexander R. Agiunid, 28, and Wilma M. Bucariza, 22, both of Stockton. Crum-Adams-Sept.

3, Virgil M. Crum, 28, Stockton, and Betty L. Adams, 19, Klamath Falls. Simoni-DeRudio Sept. Vernon J.

Simoni, 28. Marie DeRudio, 30, both of Courtland. Thompson-Seitz Sept. ft. R.

Thompson, 29, and Joyce Seitz, 23, both of Stockton. Ancheta-Antonio Sept. 4, Santos S. Ancheta, 27, and Marion E. Antonio, 30, both of San Francisco.

Smith-Igo-Sept. 4, Charles Smith 20, and Alice A. Igo, 18, both of Fresno. Keszler-Heller-Sept. 7, Jacob Keszler, 70, and Sophia Haller, 60, both of Lodi.

Neitschke-Sifferman-Sept. 7. Otto R. Neitschke, 22, Shirley Sifferman, both of Johnson 29, and Barbara J. Leo Johnson, J.

John- 27, both of Hanford. Vest-Evans-Sept. 8, David B. Vest, 33, and Monette Evans, 21, both of Manteca. Fernandez-Bojorques Sept.

Mary 8. Robert L. Fernandez, 30. and Bojorques, 26, both of Stockton. Watson, Col9, and Elsie Coito, 21, both Watson-Coito 8.

Raymond L. of -Sept. 8, Theodore J. Edwards, 25, Berkeley, and Elsbeth A. Petz, 24.

Tracy. Molina-Weathers- Sept. Jean 8, Weathers, Marcelino 31, D. Molina, 42, and both of Stockton. Solarez-Singh-Sept.

8. Casimiro O. Solarez 19, and Helen G. Singh, 19, both of Lathrop. Bowman-Cochran-Sept.

-Sept. 8, Richard P. Bowman, 28, San Francisco, and Donna L. Cochran, 26, Tracy. Andres-Cruse-Sept.

10, Ronald A. Andres, 22, and Barbara J. Cruse, 19, both of Stockton. Marlow-Jacobs-Sept. 10, Bill Marlow, 20, and Patricia Jacobs, 19, both of Stockton.

Francis-Varvil-Sept. 10, Jack A. Francis, 58. Antioch, and Eva S. Varvil, 58, Oakland.

Armstrong-Powell-Sept. 10, Powell, Joseph K. Armstrong, 27, and Mary 26, both of Modesto. Aranda-Cibrian Sept. 10.

Macloria Aranda, 27. and Enedina Cibrian, 18, both of Tracy. Onorino-Jones Sept. 13, Simeon R. Onorino, 49, and Marguerite D.

Jones, 29. both of Stockton. Rich-Russell-Sept. 43, John P. Rich 21.

Santa Rosa, and Joyce Russell, 20, Boyes Springs. Goldberg-Arnopole Sept. 14, Herman Goldberg. 28, Stockton, and LaVerne Croce-Anderson Sept. 15.

John L. Arnopole, 19, Modesto. Croce. 18, and Marjorie Anderson, 16, both of Stockton. mizu.

25. and Alice 15. Yokol. 20, both Shimizu-Yoko1 -Sept. George S.

Shiof Stockton. Libby-Hines-Sept. 15, William C. Libby. 36, and Frances E.

Hines, 27, both of French Camp. Harris-Williams- Sept. 15, Lemuel Harris, 54. and Carrie 0. Williams, 44, both of San Francisco.

Virden-Guenther-Sept. Sept. 16. George W. Virden, 18.

and Barbara K. Guenther, 17, both of Stockton. Aguilera-Simental- Sept. 16. Jose Aguilera, 24, and Socorro Simental, 33, both of Stockton.

La Franchi-Bonvini Sept. 16, Willard La Franchi, 41, Santa Barbara, and Virginia Bonvini, 29, Stockton. SUGGESTIONS BRIDES! REGISTER your fine China, Silver and Glassware In our Bride's Book. Let our Bridal Consultant Help You Make Your Selections. DOHRMANN'S San Joaquin at Weber HO 4-4541 THE BRIDE'S REGISTER aids you.

Select the gifts each bride-to-be has chosen as her preference in China, Glassware, Silver. BREUNER'S, Main at American. HO 5-5941. WEDDING INVITATIONS. announce ments, printed napkins.

paper plates, cups, candles, table arrangements, table covers. Phone HO 5-6877. KENDALL'S. 430 E. WEBER AVE.

NEED CASH? or MORE? Locally Owned- -Trade at Home AMERICAN FINANCE CO. N. California HO 4-4884 BEWARE OF "DIAMOND BARGAINS" Keepsake Diamond Rings assure you full value (1) Guaranteed perfect diamonds; (2) Nationally advertised prices; (3) The only diamond ring guaranteed by Good Housekeeping; (4) Full trade-in allowance anytime, anywhere on a larger Keepsake Diamond Ring. EDISES JEWELERS. Your Authorized Keepsake Dealer, 447 E.

Main. HO 5-5859. SAVE to on Diamonds And Bridesmaid's Gifts, Silverware! BILL KUECHLER. Dial HO 2-3293. Rm.

507. Stockton Sav. Loan Bldg. PICTURE STORY of your wedding. YOSHIKAWA STUDIO, HO 3-7941.

11 N. El Dorado (bet. Main, Weber). DAVID LEVINSON'S DISTINCTIVE BRIDAL SERVICE BRIDAL to $195.00 Bridesmaids' Dresses, Accessories 246 E. Main HO 2-4772 Stockton Divorce Comnlaints IN STOCKTON Huff--Sept 3, Ida B.

vs. Colleen Ward E. Huff. Gomez Sept. 3, vs.

Donald Gomez. McCorstin-Sept. 7, Ruby vs. Richard S. McCorstin.

Murphy- Sept. 7, Dorothy C. vs. Johnny V. Murphy.

Rodriguez Sept. 7, Virginia F. vs. John J. Rodriguez.

Parker- 7, Nima L. vs. Nelson R. Parker. Peters- Sept.

7, Carole V. vs. Shannon L. Peters. Prather-Sept.

8, James F. vs. Alma L. Prather. Jones- Sept.

8, Robert C. vs. Janelle Jones. Baugh- Sept. 10, Dorothy B.

vs. Gene Baugh. Smith- Sept. 10, Lorraine F. vs.

George J. Smith. Yciano Sept. 10, Lupe vs. Frank Yciano.

Solus- 10, Leona M. vs. Albert J. Solus. Gordon -Sept.

10, Ramona vs. Troy A. Gordon. -Sept. 10, Vito vs.

Therese Orlandella. Martin-Sept. 13, Edward J. vs. Ruth A.

Martin. Gardner- Sept. 13, Joy D. vs. Richard D.

Gardner. Mitchell- Thelma L. vs. Robert E. Herrera- Sept.

13, Lucy vs. Peter H. Herrera. Harrell Sept, 13, Octavia vs. Ossie Harrell.

Williams- -Sept. 14, Ruth E. vs. Harles R. Williams.

Stephens Sept. 14, Frela vs. Jack Stephens. Moreing- Sept. 14, Georgia vs.

Charles Kenyon- -Sept. 14, Florence E. vs. Jack Moreing. L.

Kenyon. Troglia Sept. 15, Betty vs. Harry Costa -Sept. 15, Jacqueline J.

vs. RobTroglia. ert A. Costa. Ericksen-Sept.

15, Zola vs. Louis J. Ericksen. Roberts- Sept. 15, Audrey E.

vs. Marlin J. Roberts. Roberts-Sept. 15, Mary E.

vs. Leighton L. Roberts. Annulment Corlaints IN STOCKTON Smith Sept. Eddie Mae vs.

Tim Smith -Sept. 7, Dorothy E. vs. Harold E. Judson.

Mathis--Sept. 8, Angela M. vs. William G. Mathis.

Thornhill-Sept. 14. Jesse F. VS. Geneva L.

Thornhill. Separate Maintenance IN STOCKTON Sorling- 8, Ada M. vs. Joseph Sorling. Deaths RISSO -In Stockton, September 18, 1954, Margaret Risso, beloved wife of the late Antonio Risso, Mrs.

beloved mother of Joseph Risso, Mrs. Louise Bacigalupi, Mrs. Marie Bertolotto, and Mrs. Emily Danero, all of Stockton; loving sister of Mrs. Rose Trucco and Carlo Merlo, both of Stockton: she is also survived by 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren; a native of Italy; aged 86 years, Friends are invited to view the remains this evening (Monday) at 8 p.

m. in the Mortuary Chapel. Private funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. directors. Chapel Comof the Palms, funeral mittal private.

BRADY- San Andreas, September 19, 1954. Edward Raymond Brady, beloved husband of Catherine Brady of Mokelumne loving father of leen McCartney, of Mokelumne Miss Gladys Brady, and Mrs. KathHill, brother of Mrs. Lillian Wallace of Glen Falls, N. John and William Brady, both of Fort Edwards, N.

Y. Gerald Brady of Schenectady, and Owen Brady of Albany, N. Y. Four grandchildren also survive: a native of Mineville, N. aged 60 years, 2 months.

Friends are invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, September 21, 1954, at 9:30 a. from the Gardella Mortuary, San Andreas, Mokelumne thence to Hill St. Thomas' Church in where a mass will be said for the repose of his soul commencing at 10 a. m. Interment at Catholic Cemetery, Mokelumne Hill.

A rosary will at be recited this evening (Monday) 8 p. m. in the Gardella Chapel, San Andreas. LEHMANN Near Stockton. Winifred Lehmann.

wife of Herbert C. LehSeptember 18, 1954, Wilda mann of Stockton; mother of Lindley Lehmann: grandmother of Linda Ann and Christina Wilda Lehmann; sister of Dalphne D. Lehmann; a native of California. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, September 21, 1954, at 11 in the chapel of B. Wallace Son.

520 N. Sutter St. Committal at Rural Cemetery. GOMES- -In Manteca, September 18, 1954, William T. Gomes, beloved husband of Helen Gomes of Manteca; father of Mrs.

James H. Hampton, of Springfield, Concord and both brother Stuart of Mary and Sadie Gomes, of Sousa of Topeka, a native of Springfield. and Mrs. Jennie DeIllinois; aged 75 years, 3 months, 8 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, September 21, 1954, at 2 p.

in the chapel of P. L. Fry Son; Manteca. Committal at Park View Cemetery. KING In Stockton, September 19, 1954, James Conway King, beloved husband of Lulu B.

King of Stockton; loving father of Richard B. King of Santa Barbara: grandfather of Judith, Nancy and Richard King of Syracuse, N. Y. a member of Central City Chapter of Masonic Lodge No. 305 of Syracuse, N.

native of Syracuse, N. aged 72 years, 3 days. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Wednesday, September 22, 1954, at 10:30 a. in the chapel of the Martin Funeral Home, 445 N. American St.

Committal private at Santa Barbara. RICHARDSON- Near Jenny Lind, September 17. 1954, Elmer Alton Richof Mrs. Nellie Mae Trull, Mrs. Gladys ma Richardson of Stockton: brother ardson, beloved son of S.

E. and VelEarline Goss. Mrs. Betty Marie Asman, Earl H. and Patricia Ann ardson, all of Stockton; a native of California; aged 20 years, 2 months, 24 days.

Friends are invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, September 21, at 3 p. m. in the Pentecostal Church, 2365 E. Alpine St. Committal at Park View Cemetery.

Frisbie and Warren in charge of arrangements. BAILEY- In Stockton, Sept. 2, 1954, Benjamin James Bailey, loving husband of Marthie Bailey of Omaha, father of Mrs. Elizabeth A. and James Bailey, Doth of Oakland, Rev.

W. H. Bailey of Stockton, Joe and Maggie Bailey, both of Omaha, grandfather of 10, great-grandfather eight, great-great-grandfather of six: a native of Arkansas, aged 75 years. Friends are invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, Sept, 21, 1954, at 1:30 p. in the chapel of Frisbie Warren, 809 N.

California at Flora Committal at Rural Cemetery. CAPETANICH In Lynchburg, Sept. 16, 1954, Joseph J. Capetanich, son of the late Joseph and Lucy Capetanich; husband of Anne Capetanich of Sutter Creek; father of Jo Anne. Paula, Nina Capetanich of Sutter Creek; brother Mitchell J.

Capetanich of San Francisco, Nellie Purin of Stockton, Stoneberger of Watsonville; a native of Yugoslavia, aged 65 years. Friends are invited to attend funeral services from the chapel of J. J. Daneri Son, Jackson, Wednesday, Sept. 22, 1954, at 9 a.

thence to the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Sutter Creek, where mass will be recited at 10 a. m. Rosary at the chapel in Jackson, Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Committal at Sutter Creek Catholic Cemetery. LAMBERT--In Stockton, Sept.

19, 1954, Voltaire A. Lambert, beloved husband of Mattie Lambert of Stockton; loving father of Leroy Lambert of Stockton; loving grandfather of Gerald and Larry Lambert of Stockton: loving brother of Horace Lambert, Edna 1 Deegan and Rita Wade, all of Stockton, and Blanche Alvarado of San Jose: a native of Bradford, aged 75 years, 1 month, 8 days. Friends are invited to attend funeral services at DeYoung Memorial Chapel, 601 N. California Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1954, at 10 a.

m. Service to be conducted by Rev. Polack. C. C.

DeYoung and Son in charge of arrangements. Committal at Casa Bonita Crematory. WILLIAMS In Stockton, Sept. 18, 1954, Mary H. Williams, beloved wife of David E.

Williams of Stockton: loving mother of Woody Williams and George A. Williams, both of Stockton; a native of Cole County, aged 79 years, 8 months, 1 day. Remains are being shipped today, Sept. 20, 1954, to the Williams Funeral Home in California. where services will be conducted.

C. C. DeYoung and Son in charge of arrangements. Committal at California, Mo. WILSON Stockton, beloved Sept.

hus- 18, 1954, George T. Wilson, band of Lois Wilson of Stockton; loving father of Dolores Marie, Judith Lee, Carl Marilyn Kay. Cora Irene and Paul Earl Wilson. all of Stockton; loving brother of Ralph A. Wilof Stockton: loving son of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Delbert Wilson: loving nephew of Mary Sievers of Clements and William Wilson on Elk Grove: loving uncle of nine nieces and four nephews: a native of Galt, aged 49 years, 2 months, 11 days. Friends are invited to attend funeral services at DeYounb Memorial Chapel, 601 N. California Tuesday, Sept. 21.

1954, at 2 p. m. Service to be conducted by Rev. D. Latimer.

C. C. DeYoung and Son in charge of arrangements. Committal at Lodi Cemetery, LARKIN-In Vallejo, Sept. beloved 17, 1954.

Joseph Emmett Larkin, husband of Ascelia Larkin of Stockton; loving father of Daniel T. Larkin of San Francisco. Hugh Charles Larkin and Shirley Mae Domench, both of Stockton; loving brother of Mrs. Dolly McCabe of Stockton: Mrs. Ann Slissman of Mrs.

Mary Pitt of San William Jack T. Larkin, all of Stockton." and the late Mrs. Loretta Tulan, Owen and Matthew J. Larkin: loving grandfather of Danny and Richard Domench, both of Stockton, Kevin and Mark Larkin. both of San Francisco: a native of Stockton, aged 59 years, 5 months.

2 days. Friends are invited to attend funeral services from DeYoung Memorial Chapel, 601 California Wednesday. Sept. 22, 1954, at 9 a. thence 9:30 to Church of Annuncation at a.

m. where high mass will be brated for the repose of his soul. Rosary will be recited Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at DeYoung Memorial Chapel. C. C.

DeYoung and Son in charge of arrangements. Committal at San Joaquin Cemetery, THE SAN JOAQUIN HEART ASSOCIATION 214 North California Street Gratefully acknowledges the bequests in memory of Martha A. Prentice, BenJamin Pearson, Florence Morrison, Joseph Dryden, Angelina Machado for further research in all diseases of the heart and circulatory system. FOR ALL. OCCASIONS CALIFORNIA FLORAL CO.

7 North California St. Phone HO 4-4891 BAILBONDS 24 Hour Service Call Collect Stockton H06-9517 Al Silvani June Rockets FLOWER SHOP 0. K. MONUMENT AND CO. We specialize in artistic floral designing! Weddings, Bouquets, etc.

CORNER OF HARDING WAY AND CEMETERY LANE Dial HO 6-9661, Res. HO 3-0346 of Santa Barbara; brother of Fred, PARK VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION E. E. Carver, Sapt. Phone HO 5-5163 Place of Peace and Continuing Beauty P.

0 Box 413. Stockton, California advisable purchase before need and take time in making Incloding your Endowment selection It la in the many gardens. Yea can purchase Trave space, Care, ranging from $56-660-670-680 and ap 08 payment plan..

Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.